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Electrical Safety
This Micro system is tted with a BS1363/A 13 amp plug. If it is not suitable for your supply sockets, it must
be removed and replaced with an appropriate plug. If the plug becomes damaged and/or needs to be
replaced, please follow the wiring instructions below. The removed plug must be disposed of immediately.
It must not be plugged into a supply socket as this will be an electrical hazard. If the fuse needs to be
replaced, it must be of the same rating and ASTA approved to BS1362. If the plug is changed, a fuse of the
appropriate rating must be tted in the plug, adapter, or at the distribution board. If the fuse in a molded
plug is replaced, the fuse cover must be retted before the appliance can be used.
Wiring Instructions
The supply cable will be either 2-core or 3-core. Follow the appropriate wiring instructions below. In both
cases, ensure that the outer sheath of the cable is rmly held by the cable clamp.
iLuv | 32iMM9400/9500 | V10M10_IM_EN_0205201031 | iLuv
· Place the apparatus with some distances from the nearby objects or walls for sucient
ventilations. The ventilation should not be impeded by covering the ventilation openings with
items such as newspapers, table-cloths, curtains, etc.
· No naked ame sources such as lighted candles should be placed on the apparatus.
· Dispose of used batteries properly. Follow the local regulation for the battery disposal.
· Use this apparatus in the moderate climates. It is recommended not to use this apparatus such in
a lighting storm.
2-Core plug
WARNING: Do not connect either
wire to the earth terminal.
This symbol indicates that this 2-core
appliance is Class II, and does not require
an earth connection.
The BLUE wire must be connected to the
terminal marked with the letter N or colored BLACK.
The BROWN wire must be connected to the
terminal marked with the letter L or colored RED.
3-Core plug
WARNING: This appliance must be
The GREEN and YELLOW wire must be connected
to the terminal marked with the letter E, by the
earth symbol
, or colored GREEN or GREEN and
The BLUE wire must be connected to the terminal
marked with the letter N or colored BLACK.
The BROWN wire must be connected to the terminal
marked with the letter L or colored RED.
Green & yellow

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