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• This HD Radio System operates from AC120V/60Hz line power supply.
• The Remote Control operates on 1 Lithium battery, CR2025 (Included).
Insert the AC plug into a standard 120V AC outlet as shown in the diagram
on this page. The Radio will automatically go into standby mode.
Power Source
The system has an AC plug and will only t into matching AC outlets. This
is a safety feature to reduce the possibility of electric shock. If the plug will
not t in your AC outlets, you should have the outlet changed by a qualied,
licensed electrician. Do not use an adapter to make the plug t into your
outlet. This defeats the safety feature and could expose you to electric shock.
The clock radio uses a backup battery system to provide continuous alarm operation and clock settings
in the event of a power failure. If the Backup Battery has been installed and a power failure occurs or the
DC cord is accidentally disconnected, the display will not remain lit, but the current time and alarm time
settings will be temporarily maintained. Otherwise, you must reset the time and alarm settings.
1. Make sure the AC power is connected. Otherwise all settings may be lost during battery replacement.
2. Open the battery compartment cover located on the bottom of the unit.
3. Attach a 9V battery to the connector and insert into the battery compartment.
4. Close the compartment cover.
Installing the Backup Batteries
AC Plug AC Oulet
The remote control battery has been previously installed and ready for operation for the rst time
use. When the remote control stops functioning, replace the battery with a new one. To do so,
locate the battery compartment and follow the steps below:
Installing the Remote Control Battery
To ensure that your iPhone or iPod will t properly into the built-in universal dock, we have in-
cluded several detachable dock adapters for many iPod players with this product. Please check the
bottom of dock adapters to see the compatibility with your iPhone or iPod.
1. How to insert a dock adapter
a. First choose the dock adapter that corresponds with the type of iPhone or iPod you would like
to dock. Using the correct dock adapter ensures the proper t for your iPhone or iPod.
b. Gently push the dock adapter down into the universal dock.
c. Carefully place your iPhone or iPod into the universal dock. It must not be in a case or “Skin.
2. How to remove the dock adapter
• Remove your iPhone or iPod rst, then grasp the dock adapter and lift upwards carefully.
Note: The iHD171 is not magnetically shielded and may cause color distortion on the screen of some TVs or video
monitors. To avoid this, you may need to move the unit further away from the TV or monitor if unnatural color
shifts or image distortion occurs.
Installing the Dock Adapter
1. Remove the battery cover. Squeeze notched tab A while
pulling battery door latch B to re lease the battery door
latch and slide the battery holder outward.
2. Insert a “CR2025” 3V lithium battery making certain to
follow the correct polarity (+/-).
3. Slide the battery holder back into the remote control.
door latch
iLuv | 4iHD171 | V10M10_IM_EN_1030083 | iLuv
This model is equipped with non-skid rubber ‘feet’ to prevent the product from moving when you
operate the controls. These ‘feet’ are made from non-migrating rubber material specially formulated to
avoid leaving any marks or stains on your furniture. However certain types of oil based furniture polishes,
wood preservatives, or cleaning sprays may cause the rubber ‘feet’ to soften, and leave marks or a rubber
residue on the furniture. To prevent any damage to your furniture we strongly recommend that you
purchase small self-adhesive felt pads, available at hardware stores and home improvement centers
everywhere, and apply these pads to the bottom of the rubber ‘feet’ before you place the product on ne
wooden furniture.
Protect your Furniture
1. Remove the battery protective lm.
2. Point remote control toward the front of the main unit. The eective range of the remote is about
19 ft from the remote sensor and within an angle of about 45° from the front of the unit.
Preparing the Remote Control

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