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Mini Audio System V10M10_IM_EN_01302006
- 12 - www.i-Luv.com
1. Press FIND to access this Search mode. The display will show "
", “ALBUM” and the name of the
folder. You can then press
(REW/DOWN) or (FF/UP) to search the file name, eg: AAA, CCC etc.
2. Press
/ (PLAY/ PAUSE) to start playing.
1. During MP3 playing, press FIND for 2 seconds to switch to Text Display mode, and it will show the file
name / title / artist / album of the current track.
2. Press FIND for 2 seconds again to return to the track playing time.
Insert an iPod in the iPod docking of the sub-woofer. Do this under the power-on mode of main unit, and
then the main unit will auto change to iPod mode.
Note: Select the correct iPod adaptors (included) and insert it into the docking station. Different iPod
adaptors supplied with this device are for different iPod models. Each iPod adaptor (included) is engraved
with alphabets (e.g. A, B, C, D, F, H) on the back to match the correct size and type of iPod models as
described below:
A – Use with iPod 20GB
B – Use with iPod Nano
C – Use with iPod Mini
D – Use with iPod 30GB
F – Use with iPod Photo and 40GB
H – Use with iPod 60GB
Flat Cover – If the device is not to be used for a long period of time, cover the docking station with
protection cover (included) to prevent damage.
1. Press the FUNCTION key repeatedly until “iPod” appears on the LCD, and then the iPod will start to
2. To stop play, press
3. To interrupt play, press
4. To resume play, press
a. You can operate the iPod by pressing the keys of iPod too.
5. Press (REW/DOWN) or (FF/UP) until the required track number appears in the display.
Power Supply 120 V ~ 60 Hz
Output Power (Per Channel) 4.5 watts RMS into 4 ohm
Power Consumption 28 W
Frequency Range AM 530 - 1710 KHz
FM 87.5 - 108 MHz
Frequency Response (-6dB) 60-20,000 Hz
Signal-to-noise Ratio 40 dB
Harmonic Distortion 1%
Channel Separation 35 dB

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