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Cancelling the programme
1. Press and hold, at the same time,
and until the indicator of
comes on.
Make sure that there is detergent in
the detergent dispenser before you
start a new programme.
Cancelling the delay start while the
countdown operates
When you cancel the delay start you have
to set the programme and options again.
1. Press and hold, at the same time,
and until the indi-
cator comes on.
At the end of the programme
When the programme is completed, the dis-
play shows 0:00.
1. Press the on/off button or wait for the
Auto Off function to automatically deac-
tivate the appliance.
2. Close the water tap.
Let the dishes become cold before you
remove them from the appliance. Hot
dishes can be easily damaged.
First remove the items from the lower
basket, then from the upper basket.
There can be water on the sides and on
the door of the appliance. Stainless steel
becomes cool more quickly than the
Hints and tips
The water softener
Hard water contains a high quantity of min-
erals that can cause damage to the appli-
ance and bad washing results. The water
softener neutralises these minerals.
The dishwasher salt keeps the water soften-
er clean and in good conditions. It is impor-
tant to set the right level of the water soft-
ener. This makes sure that the water soften-
er uses the correct quantity of dishwasher
salt and water.
Loading the baskets
Refer to the supplied leaflet with ex-
amples of the load of the baskets.
Only use the appliance to wash items
that are dishwasher-safe.
Do not put in the appliance items made
of wood, horn, aluminium, pewter and
Do not put in the appliance items that
can absorb water (sponges, household
Remove remaining food from the items.
To remove easily remaining burned food,
soak pots and pans in water before you
put them in the appliance.
Put hollow items (cups, glasses and pans)
with the opening down.
Make sure that cutlery and dishes do not
bond together. Mix spoons with other
Make sure that glasses do not touch oth-
er glasses.
Put the small items in the cutlery basket.
Put the light items in the upper basket.
Make sure that they do not move.
Make sure that the spray arms can move
freely before you start a programme.
Using salt, rinse aid and detergent
Only use salt, rinse aid and detergent for
dishwasher. Other products can cause
damage to the appliance.
The rinse aid helps, during the last rinsing
phase, to dry the dishes without streaks
and stains.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ikea SKINANDE

Ikea SKINANDE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 20 pagina's

Ikea SKINANDE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Português, Espanõl - 76 pagina's

Ikea SKINANDE Installatiehandleiding - Alle talen - 16 pagina's

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