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Using the
Using Bluetooth: Pairing Your Device Manually
For First Time use (auto pairing):
1. Turn on your Bluetooth-enabled device and turn on Bluetooth capability as described in the device’s
user manual.
2. Move the Power ON/OFF Switch on the unit to the ON position (right). The first time the unit is
turned on it will enter auto pairing mode, indicated by a rapidly flashing blue light.
NOTE: In any
mode (auto link, pairing, Bluetooth or Aux audio) if the unit is connected to charging source, the
indicator light will be red instead of blue.
“iHome iBN24” should appear on your device’s menu. If
“Not Paired”, “Not Connected” or similar message appears, tap on “iHome iBN24“ to complete
pairing. If your device asks for a password, enter 1234 on the keyboard of your device.
Once paired with a device, the blue light will glow steadily. There should be an indication on your
device that pairing is complete (”Connected” or similar). On some devices, you must then select “Use
as Audio Device” or similar on the device’s Bluetooth menu. Once paired, your device should auto-link
to the iBN24 whenever within range (about 30 feet).
If auto pairing did not work, press and hold the
Bluetooth Pairing Button located on the back of the unit for 2 seconds to retry pairing.
Once the Unit Has Paired with A Device (auto linking):
1. When the unit has been paired with a device, the next time it is powered on, the unit will turn on in
auto link mode and attempt to auto link to a previously paired device, indicated by a slowly flashing
blue light. If a linked device is found, the indicator will glow solid blue.
2. If no linked device is found, the blue light will continue to flash slowly. Press and hold the Bluetooth
Pairing Button located on the back of the unit for 2 seconds. The unit will enter pairing mode, 2 short
beeps will sound and the light will flash blue rapidly while the unit attempts to pair.

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