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23. Transport guard
24. 2-stroke oil. Not included for all markets.
Symbols on the product
WARNING: This product can be dangerous
and cause serious injury or death to the
operator or others. Be careful and use the
product correctly.
Read the operator's manual carefully and
make sure that you understand the
instructions before you use this product.
Use a protective helmet in locations where
objects can fall on you. Use approved
hearing protection. Use approved eye
Use stable boots with non-slip soles.
Use approved protective gloves.
Stop the product fully before you touch the
cutting tool.
There is no electrical insulation in this product. If the product touches or comes
near high voltage power lines, it can cause serious injury or death to the opera-
tor. Electricity can move between different objects by a curve. The highter the
voltage, the longer the electricity can move. Electricity can also move through
branches and other objects, especially if the object is wet. Always keep a dis-
tance at a minimum of 10 m/33 ft between the product and high voltage power
lines and/or objects that touches the power lines. If it is necessary to do work
near the power lines, make sure that the power is off before you start the work.
Keep a distance at a minimum of 15 m/50 ft to other persons or animals during
the operation.
Noise emissions to the environment
according to European Directive 2000/14/EC
and New South Wales legislation “Protection
of the Environment Operations (Noise
Control) Regulation 2017”. Noise emission
data can be found on the machine label and
in the Technical data chapter.
The product agrees with the applicable EC
yyyywwxxxx The rating plate shows serial number.
yyyy is the production year and ww is
the production week.
Note: Other symbols/decals on the product refer to
special certification requirements for some markets.
Euro V Emissions
WARNING: Tampering with the engine voids
the EU type-approval of this product.
Safety definitions
Warnings, cautions and notes are used to point out
specially important parts of the manual.
WARNING: Used if there is a risk of injury or
death for the operator or bystanders if the
instructions in the manual are not obeyed.
CAUTION: Used if there is a risk of damage
to the product, other materials or the
adjacent area if the instructions in the
manual are not obeyed.
Note: Used to give more information that is necessary in
a given situation.
1118 - 002 - 23.12.2019 3

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