• Hello. First I would like to apologize to ask my question in English. I just moved to this lovely country and I didn't have the time to start my Dutch classes.

    In the building I am living there is an antenna for the TV and I would like to watch the free channels (undecoded) Ziggo offers. Since I don't have a TV, but a projector, I would need a decoder to be able to watch the channels through my projector.

    I found a Humax 5300 on a second hand shop and decided to buy it. However, I am not sure if the box is broken or if there is a way to restart it properly. Here is what I am encountering:

    1- I turn it on and the green light appears. In a few seconds the logo of HUMAX appears in the screen
    2- On the lower left of the screen shows "Ver 3.1"
    3- On the lower right of the screen it shows sometimes a "ram test" that goes all the way to 100% and then it shows letter like "dL", "A", "I-", "I+" and "I*". Sometimes the ram test doesn't happen and just the letters appear.
    4- After a few seconds, it restarts and it does the same again for about 3 or 4 times
    5- It stops restarting and the "standby" green light blinks once every 10 seconds more or less. I can't turn it on anymore unless I unplug it from the power source for around 5 minutes.

    I would like to know if there is any way I could save this box or if it's beyond repair? I wanted to factory reset it, but it seems there is no way of doing it without going through the menu.

    Any help is really welcome.

    Dankjewel for the patience and time.

    Doei doei.

    Gesteld op 30-12-2018 om 19:05 in forum Humax HUMAX IRHD-5300C Misbruik melden
    • "1- I turn it on and the green light appears. In a few seconds the logo of HUMAX appears in the screen
      2- On the lower left of the screen shows "Ver 3.1"
      3- On the lower right of the screen it shows sometimes a "ram test" that goes all the way to 100% and then it shows letter like "dL", "A", "I-", "I+" and "I*". "

      This is normal, but for one time. If it happens again, the can be a software issue, or a problem with te motherboard. Factory rest is impossible now. A repair is to do, but the cost are higher than a other 5300c on marketplace/marktplaats.

      My advice: buy a other one there for 20-25 Euro's.

      Kind regards,

      Ondersteuning Humax Geantwoord op 3-1-2019 om 19:19

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