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For more information, maintenance procedures and troubleshooting,
see the Use and Care Guide.
The Use and Care Guide can be obtained by:
• After-Sales Service; phone number see in warranty booklet.
• download from website: docs.hotpoint.eu
• use QR code
The technical data containing the energy consumption data can be
downloaded from the website: docs.hotpoint.eu
When you contact the After-Sales Service,
you must provide the codes shown on
the rating plate attached to the left or
right side inside the door of the
dishwasher. The phone number is listed
in the warranty booklet or on the website:
Your dishwasher may not work properly.
Before contacting the Service Centre check if the problem can be solved by going through the following list.
The dishwasher
won’t start or does
not respond to
The appliance has not been plugged in
Insert the plug into the socket.
Power outage. The dishwasher starts automatically when the power returns.
The dishwasher door is not closed. Vigorously push the door until you hear the “click”.
It does not respond to commands. Switch off the appliance by pressing the ON/OFF button, switch it back on
after approximately one minute and reset the program.
The dishwasher
won’t drain.
The wash cycle has not finished yet. Wait until the wash cycle finishes.
The drain hose is bent. Check that the drain hose is not bent (see INSTALATION INSTRUCTION).
The sink drain pipe is blocked. Clean the sink drain pipe.
The filter is clogged up with food residues Clean the filter (see CLEANING THE FILTER ASSEMBLY).
The dishwasher
makes excessive
The dishes are rattling against each. Arrange the crockery correctly (see LOADING THE RACKS).
An excessive amount of foam has been
The detergent has not been measured out correctly or it is not suitable for
use in dishwashers (see FILLING THE DETERGENT DISPENSER). Reset dish-
washer by pressing the DRAIN button (see OPTIONS AND FUNCTIONS) and
run new program without detergent.
The dishes are not
The crockery has not been arranged
Arrange the crockery correctly (see LOADING THE RACKS).
The spray arms cannot rotate freely,
being hindered by the dishes.
Arrange the crockery correctly (see LOADING THE RACKS).
The wash cycle is too gentle. Select an appropriate wash cycle (see PROGRAMS TABLE).
An excessive amount of foam has been
The detergent has not been measured out correctly or it is not suitable for
use in dishwashers (see FILLING THE DETERGENT DISPENSER).
The cap on the rinse aid compartment
has not been shut correctly.
Make sure the cap of the rinse aid dispenser is closed.
The filter is soiled or clogged. Clean the filter assembly (see CARE AND MAINTENANCE).
There is no salt. Fill the salt reservoir (see FILLING THE SALT RESERVOIR).
IEC 436
04/2017 as - Xerox Fabriano

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