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Grilling makes it possible to give food a rich brown colour quickly.
For browning we recommend that you insert the grill onto the fourth level, depending in the
proportions of the food (pag.8).
Almost all food can be cooked under the grill except for very lean game and meat rolls.
Meat and fish that are going to be grilled should first be lightly doused with oil.
For recommended cooking times and temperatures the first time you use the oven, refer to the
tables on pages 10,11, 12 and 13. You may then wish to vary these times and settings in the
light of your own experience.
Clean the stainless steel and enamelled surfaces with warm, soapy water or with suitable brand
products. On no account use abrasive powders that may damage surfaces and ruin the oven’s
appearance. It is very important to clean the oven each time that it is used. Melted fat is deposited
on the sides of the oven during cooking. The next time the oven is used this fat could cause
unpleasant odours and might even jeopardise the success of the cooking. Use hot water and
detergent to clean; rinse out thoroughly. To make this chore unnecessary all models can be lined
with catalytic self-cleaning panels: these are supplied as an optional extra (see the section SELF-
Use detergents and abrasive metal pads like «brillo pads» for the stainless steel grills.
The glass surfaces as the top, oven door and warming compartment door must be cleaned when
they are cold. Damage that occurs to them because this rule was not adhered to are not covered
by the guarantee.
Never use abrasive cleaners, wire wool or sharp objects to clean the glass oven door.
Never use steam or high pressure spray to clean the appliance.
To replace the interior light: switch off the mains power supply and unscrew bulb. Replace with
an identical bulb that can withstand very high temperatures.
Special self-cleaning panels covered in a micro-porous coating are available as optional extras
for all models. If they are fitted, the oven no longer needs to be cleaned by hand.
The fat that is splattered onto the sides of the oven during roasting is eliminated by the microporous
coating which breaks the fat down by catalysis and transforms it into gas.
Excessive splattering may nevertheless block the pores and therefore hinder self-cleaning. The
self-cleaning capacity may be restored by switching on the empty oven to maximum for about
10-20 minutes.
Do not use abrasive products, metal cleaning wads, sharp objects, rough cloths, or chemical
products and detergents that may permanently damage the catalytic lining.
It is a good idea to use deep roasting trays to roast fatty foods such as joints of meat etc. and
to put a tray underneath the grill to catch surplus fat.
These simple precautions will ensure the correct temperature and ideal conditions for catalytic
cleaning to take place.
If the walls of the oven are so thickly coated in grease that the catalytic lining is no longer effective
remove surplus grease with a soft cloth or sponge soaked in hot water.
The lining must be porous for self-cleaning to be effective.
N.B.: All catalytic linings currently on the market have a working life of about 300 hours. They
should therefore be replaced after about 300 hours.
Cooking times
Cleaning and maintenance
Self-cleaning oven with catalytic

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