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When the oven is first switched on it may give out acrid smelling fumes. This is because the
bonding agent for insulating panels around the oven has been heated up for the first time.
This is a completely normal, if it does occur you merely have to wait for the fumes to clear before
putting the food into the oven.
An oven by its very nature becomes very hot. Especially the glass of the oven door.
Do not allow children to go near the oven when it is hot, especially when the grill is on.
All accessible parts are hot when the oven is in operation, take care to not touch these elements.
A specially designed protector shield (some models only) which reduces considerably the surface
temperature of the oven door can be obtained through our service organization. This shield is
recommended for households with young children.
Declaration of compliance. The parts of this appliance that may come into contact with foodstuffs
comply with the provisions of EEC Directive 89/109.
This appliances complies with Directives 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC and following changes.
When you have unpacked the oven, make sure that it has not been damaged in any way. If you
have any doubts at all, do not use it: contact a professionally qualified person.
Keep packing materials such as plastic bags, polystyrene, or nails out of the reach of children
because they are dangerous for children.
The oven must be used only for the purpose for which it was designed: it must only be used for
cooking food.
Any other use, e.g. as a form of heating, is an improper use of the oven and is therefore dangerous.
The manufacturers cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by improper, incorrect
or unreasonable use.
When using any electrical appliance you must follow a few basic rules.
– Do not pull on the power cable to remove the plug from the socket.
– Do not touch the oven with wet or damp hands or feet.
– Do not use the oven unless you are wearing something on your feet.
Do not allow children on irresponsible people to use the oven unless they are carefully supervised.
– It is not generally a good idea to use adapters, multiple sockets for several plugs and cable
– If the oven breaks down or develops a fault switch it off at the mains and do not touch it.
If the cable is at all damaged it must be replaced promptly. When replacing the cable, follow
these instructions.
Remove the power cable and replace it with one of equal length that has been insulated in rubber.
The cable must be able to bear the electrical current required by the oven. Cable replacement
must be carried out by properly qualified technicians.
The earthing cable (yellow-green) must be 10 mm longer than the power cable.
Use only an approved service centre for repairs and ensure that only original parts are used. If
the above instructions are not adhered to the manufacturers cannot guarantee the safety of the oven.
General warnings
Thank you for choosing one of our products. To get the most out of your oven we recommend
that you:
Read the notes in this manual carefully: they contain important instructions on how to install,
use and service this oven safely.
Keep this booklet in a safe place for easy, future reference.

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