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Low batteries
If you see this battery icon then you need to
replace the batteries right away. See overleaf.
No power to the thermostat
If the thermostat screen is blank after initial installation,
then check the protective tab has been removed from
the batteries. Otherwise, try replacing the batteries.
RF communication error
If these icons are ashing, then there may be an
issue with the signal from the Boiler Relay. First
check there is mains power to the Boiler Relay. If this
does not resolve the problem, consult your installer.
Defective thermostat
If this icon is displayed then the thermostat is no
longer functioning and will need to be replaced.
4. After binding, the strength of the
signal between the devices will
appear on the thermostat for a
few seconds. 1 equals the lowest
strength and 5 the highest.
Then the normal screen will be
shown, including a
to conrm the Gateway and the
thermostat are now connected.
5. Please refer to your Gateway
instructions to learn how to
create your online account and
download our smartphone app.
2. Briey touch the right-hand touch
zone once again to send the binding
signal. The
and symbols will
ash until binding is successful.
3. With good reception, the
LED on the Gateway
will then light up to conrm
successful binding.
Binding your thermostat to a
RFG100 Internet Gateway
If you want to be able to operate your Single Zone
Thermostat remotely or add scheduling then you will
need to use the Honeywell RFG100 Internet Gateway
(sold separately) and bind the thermostat to it.
To do this, please follow the full installation instructions
in the RFG100 box, and at the relevant binding stage
follow these steps to connect your thermostat:
1. Touch and hold the right-hand
touch zone for about 10 seconds
to activate the binding screen.
Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and
Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell Technologies
Sàrl, ACS-ECC EMEA, Z.A. La Pièce 16, 1180 Rolle,
Switzerland by its Authorised Representative Honeywell Inc.
Need help? For assistance with this product please visit:
Honeywell Control Systems Ltd.
Skimped Hill Lane,
RG12 1EB
50094158-006 A
Note: if you have tried to bind but have
persistent problems doing so, please
visit the URL below for assistance:

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Andere handleiding(en) van Honeywell Single Zone - Y87RF

Honeywell Single Zone - Y87RF Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 8 pagina's

Honeywell Single Zone - Y87RF Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 3 pagina's

Honeywell Single Zone - Y87RF Installatiehandleiding - English - 16 pagina's

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