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1. Hold power tool by insulated gripping surfaces,
when performing an operation where the cutting
accessory may contact hidden wiring or its own
Cutting accessory contacting a “live” wire may make
exposed metal parts of the power tool “live” and could
give the operator an electric shock.
1. Ensure that the power source to be utilized conforms
to the power requirements speci ed on the product
2. Ensure that the power switch is in the OFF position.
If the plug is connected to a receptacle while the power
switch is in the ON position, the power tool will start
operating immediately, which could cause a serious
3. When the work area is removed from the power source,
use an extension cord of su cient thickness and rated
capacity. The extension cord should be kept as short as
4. Always hold the tool rmly with one hand on housing
(Fig. 6). Do not touch the metal part.
5. Make sure that the area to be cut is absolutely free of any
hidden obstructions including electrical wiring, water, or
gas pipes. Cutting into the aforementioned may result in
electric shock or short circuit, gas leak or other hazards
that can cause serious accidents or injuries.
6. Dust particles such as silica or asbestos are hazardous
to your health. When working with materials containing
these components, take appropriate dust-proo ng
7. Working with metal can cause sparks. Make sure there
are no ammable and combustible materials in the
vicinity and that they are stored in a safe location.
8. Make sure to securely hold the tool during operation.
Failure to do so can result in accidents or injuries.
9. Secure the workpiece. A workpiece clamped with
clamping devices or in a vice is held more secure than
by hand.
10. Setting up and checking the work environment. Check
if the work environment is suitable by following the
11. Do not touch the application tool, its attachment area or
other metal surfaces immediately after use as they will
be hot. Doing so may result in burns or injury.
12. Make sure that there is no one below when operating
the tool in high locations. Also keep the cord clear of any
obstructions or objects. Dropping the tool or materials
may result in accident or injury.
13. Never apply any unreasonable force to the application
tool when working. Doing so may break the application
tool or damage the motor.
14. Do not leave the tool running unattended on the oor,
table or other locations. Doing so may result in injury.
15. When attaching application tools, be careful not to get
your ngers or other extremities caught in the lever.
16. If the application tool seems to be loose or uneven after
attaching it to the unit, follow the instructions in Fig. 1
and re-attach the tool. Operating the unit with a loose or
uneven application tool may result in injury.
17. When switching on the tool, make sure the application
tool is not in contact with any processing materials.
Failure to do so may result in injury.
18. For cutting e ciency, switch the mode of the application
tool according to task conditions and materials to be cut.
19. After use, be sure not to place the tool near chips or
sawdust before it comes to a full stop as the tool may
suck in those particles.
20. Do not polish wood with sanding paper used for metal
21. Do not use worn or clogged sanding paper.
22. RCD
The use of a residual current device with a rated residual
current of 30 mA or less at all times is recommended.
The following show symbols used for the machine. Be
sure that you understand their meaning before use.
CV350V: Multi Tool
Read all safety warnings and all instructions.
Only for EU countries
Do not dispose of electric tools together with
household waste material!
In observance of European Directive 2002/96/
EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment
and its implementation in accordance with
national law, electric tools that have reached
the end of their life must be collected separately
and returned to an environmentally compatible
recycling facility.
V Rated voltage
Alternating current
P Power Input
No-load speed
Oscillation per minute
Oscillation angle, Total (left / right)
(According to EPTA-Procedure 01/2003)
Switching ON
Switching OFF
Sanding paper
Dust collecting adapter
Accessory case
Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark

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