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Please read this User's Manual thoroughly, especially the Safety
Instructions on Page 3 to 6. Mis-use may cause damage to your
LCD monitor, which could shorten its lifespan, or cause injury to
yourself. Should you encounter any difficulty in the set-up or
operation of your monitor, firstly refer to the Troubleshooting
guide at the rear of this manual.
In the unlikely event of a problem occurring with your LCD
monitor, switch off at the mains sockets, pull out the plugs, and
contact your dealer immediately.
Under no circumstances remove the rear cover of your LCD
Never guess or take any chances with electrical equipment of
any kind - it is better to be safe than sorry!
Software Notice
It is prohibited for the end user of this product to copy, reverse
engineer or reverse compile the software included therein, save
to the extent permitted by law.
LCD Monitor
After the LCD monitor has been on for any length of time, you
will notice that the screen becomes warm. Please note that this
is normal.
Sometimes the screen might have some tiny bright or dark spots.
Please note that this is normal.
To prevent scratches or damages to the LCD screen, do not
knock or rub the surface with sharp or hard objects. Clean the
screen with a soft cloth moistened with warm water and dry with
a soft cloth. A mild soap may be used if the screen is extremely
dirty. Do not use harsh or abrasive cleaners!
Use a soft cloth to clean the cabinet and control panel of the
monitor. When excessively soiled dilute a neutral detergent in
water, wet and wring out the soft cloth and afterward wipe with a
dry soft cloth.
Never use acid/alkaline detergent, alcoholic detergent, abrasive
cleaner, powder soap, OA cleaner, car wax, glass cleaner, etc.
especially because they would cause discoloration, scratches or
Large-screen, high-definition LCD panel
The 32-inch colour LCD panel with a resolution of 1366(H) X
768(V) pixels, creates a high-definition, large-screen (aspect
ratio:16:9) and low-profile flat display. Free from electromagnetic
interferences from geomagnetic sources and ambient power
lines, the panel produces high-quality display images free from
colour misconvergence and display distortion.
High Performance Digital Processor
A wide range of input signals can be handed, including
composite, component, and HDMI.
High Definition Digital Processor creates the fine-textured image
with dynamic contrast.
In addition, it corresponds to a broad array of personal computer
signals, from 640 x 400 and 640 x 480 VGA to 1600 x 1200
UXGA. (Analogue Input)
Easy-to-use remote control and on screen display
The remote control included eases the work of setting display
controls. Further, the on-screen display system, displays the
status of signal reception and display control settings in an
easyto-view fashion.
Connecting to an Audio Visual Device
Three Scart terminals
, composite/S terminal
, a component
, and a HDMI termainal have been added. A composite
video output terminal is also provided as a monitoring output.
AV1 scart applies to composite/ S-Video.
AV2 and AV3 apply to composite/ RGB.
A composite/ S terminal = Side Input.
With AV4 input, if a composite terminal and a component
terminal are used at the same time, the component terminal
would govern.
A wide range of devices can be also connected besides personal
Power Swivel Feature
It allows to turn the LCD monitor left or right within ± 30 degree
using the remote control.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Hitachi 32LD7200

Hitachi 32LD7200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 59 pagina's

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