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When kneading yeast dough, it is recommended that use a low speed first and then use high speed to
achieve best results.
Speed setting
The appliance is switched off.
A good starting speed for bulk and dry goods, such as flour, butter and boiled potatoes.
An ideal mixing speed for liquid ingredients, for example mixing salad dressings,
vinaigrettes and milkshakes.
Suitable for mixing cake batter and dough.
Best for creaming butter and sugar and whisking egg whites.
Used for beating eggs, mixing icing or whipping cream.
Injects additional speed into the mixing process.
1. Refrigerated ingredients, such as butter and eggs, they should be at room temperature before mixing begins.
Set these ingredients out ahead of time.
2. To eliminate the possibility of shells or deteriorated-off eggs in your recipe, break eggs into separate
container first, then adding to the mixture.
3. Always start mixing at lower speed. Gradually increase to the recommended speed as stated in the recipe.
1. Before cleaning switch off the appliance and unplug the cord from the electrical outlet.
2. Wash the beaters and dough hooks in warm soapy water and wipe dry. The beaters and dough hooks are
dishwasher safe.
Caution: The mixer cannot be immersed in water or any other liquid.
3. Wipe mixer body with a damp cloth.
Operating voltage: 230V ~ 50Hz
Power consumption: 300W
KB: 5 min
HEMA B.V. fully guarantees the product named on the warranty receipt, against all defects caused by material
and manufacturing errors.
For all domestic electrical appliances, the warranty period is 2 years from the date of purchase.
The warranty on this article is invalidated if:
a. the defect occurs through incorrect or improper use, neglect, connection to the wrong power voltage, or if
dropped or knocked;
b. you have attempted to repair the article yourself, or have had it repaired by a repair service other than HEMA
during the warranty period.
If you wish to make a claim under the warranty terms:
You will need to hand in the article at one of our branches together with the warranty receipt. Under normal
circumstances the article will be repaired free of charge within 14 workdays.

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