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80.00.5002 EN
1. Speed selector & Eject button
2. Turbo button
3. Handle
4. Beaters
5. Dough hooks
6. Washer
7. Sockets
8. Big socket
1. Carefully unpack the hand mixer and remove all packaging material.
2. Clean the various accessories of your appliance in warm soapy water, rinse and dry thoroughly before use.
1. Be sure speed selector is in the 0 position and the appliance is unplugged from an electrical outlet.
2. Insert beaters/dough hooks singly at a time, by placing stem end of beaters/dough hooks into the sockets
on the bottom of the mixer. Turn beater slightly and push in until it clicks into position. Dough hooks are
only used for mixing dough and beaters are only used for beating eggs or similar food.
Note: Beaters can be inserted in either socket, as the beaters are identical. For dough hooks, the one with
washer can only be inserted into the big socket and the other one can only be inserted into small socket. The
two dough hooks cannot be inserted in reverse.
3. Plug into appropriate outlet.
4. Place the ingredients into a bowl suitable for mixing purposes, grip the mixer handle, and position the
beaters in the center of the food to be mixed.
5. Turn the speed selector to your desired setting (5 settings). The appliance will start working and the speed
will increase 40% if the turbo button is pressed at any time.
Warning: Do not stick knife, metal spoons, fork and so on into bowl when operating.
6. When mixing is completed, turn the speed selector to “0” setting and unplug the cord from power outlet.
7. If necessary you can scrape the excess food particles from the beaters or dough hooks by a rubber or
wooden spatula.
8. Hold the beaters/dough hooks with one hand and press down the ejector button firmly with the other hand,
the beaters/dough hooks will be removed.
Note: Remove the beaters/dough hooks only at the “0” setting.
1. Do not continuously operate the mixer too long. The motor may overheat. Do not allow the mixer to operate
more than 5 minutes at one time. 10 - 15 minutes rest time must be maintained between two consecutive
2. Never wash the motor housing in water.
3. Be sure the control knob is turned to position 0 and cord is removed from electrical outlet before taking out
the attachments from the housing.
If you want to blend directly in the saucepan, you should take the saucepan away from the stove first and
let it cool down slightly. Do not blend any food at a temperature that higher than 40⁰C, otherwise your
hand blender could get overheated.

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