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Before using the device please read the operating instructions!
The instructions are part of the product and contain important information on getting
started with and using the device.
Always keep the instructions in a safe place for reference!
They must also be passed on in the event the device is transferred to a third party.
These safety instructions must be heeded! Otherwise all warranty claims are voided. We are not
liable for either material or personal damages, or consequential damages resulting from non-com-
pliance with the safety instructions or improper use.
Children can not properly assess the risks associated with electrical equipment. Never
allow children to use electrical equipment unsupervised.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced
physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless
they are given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person
responsible for their safety.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or ots service
agent or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.
Clean the device with a damp cloth before using for the first time.
The device is only suited for warming up milk bottles or processed food jars.
The device may not be operated with dust protection cover. Remove the cover every time
before use.
The heating dish heats up during operation and hot steam rises upward. Do not touch the
baby food warmer during heating – to avoid burns and scalding.
Only transport and clean the device after it has cooled down.
Remove the mains plug from the socket when the device is not in use and before removing
components of the device.
Always remain in the vicinity whilst the device is in use.
Repairs may only be performed by authorised specialist staff.
Use only the components supplied with the device.
Keep away from children or animals.
Do not use the device when visibly damaged.
Do not touch hot parts with your bare hands – danger of burning.
The device is only suited for operation in closed areas.
In any case never heat food too long time.
The appliance is only fit for use at home.
The device may not be connected to the voltage supply if the device or the power cable
are damaged. Please contact our authorised specialist staff in this case.

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