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Thank you for choosing this Harman Kardon
With your purchase of a new AB 2 Amplified In-Wall Module
you will be able to extend the flexibility of your home enter-
tainment system so that it delivers sound to another room
in your home. Custom-designed for use exclusively with
Harman Kardon A-BUS
-equipped products and ABH series
hubs, the AB 2 enables you to send a separate source to the
remote room and power most speakers – without
the need for
an additional amplifier – through one single Category 5/5e
The keypad and built-in IR sensor, compatible with the included
remote and Harman Kardon AVR and second-zone remotes,
offer control over source selection and operation, local volume
and system power.
To fully enjoy the benefits of remote keypad control, please take
a few minutes to read this owner’s manual. It contains important
information that will guide you through the correct and safe
installation of your Amplified In-Wall Module. If you do not have
experience installing in-wall electrical and telecommunications
components, consult a qualified low-voltage contractor or
custom installer.
If you have any questions about this product, its installation or
its operation, please contact your retailer or custom installer.
They are your best source of product information.
Simple connection to AVR x47 and later series A-BUS-
equipped Harman Kardon products or ABH series hub
8-Key button control for source selection, transport control,
volume up/down and mute
Built-in IR sensor for control of compatible sources; remote
-style wall plate (not included) blends perfectly with
other in-wall electrical controls
Mounts in standard electrical junction boxes or plaster rings
Uses standard Category 5/5e cable
Important Safety and Installation Information
Low-voltage wiring systems must be properly installed to mini-
mize the possibility of accidental contact with hazardous power
and lighting wiring. Never place audio or remote control wiring
near bare power wires or lightning rods, antennas, transformers,
steam or hot water pipes, or heating ducts. Never run low-voltage
wire in any conduit, box, channel, duct or other enclosure
containing power or lighting circuits of any type. In addition to
ensuring proper separation between any AC power wiring and
the Category 5/5e cable used for A-BUS, avoid running the
A-BUS cable in parallel to any AC wiring. Always maintain at
least the minimum separation between AC wiring and the A-BUS
cable or ANY low-voltage cable that is required by the NEC
(National Electrical Code) or any applicable local building codes
or regulations.
Make sure to follow all instructions when preparing wiring for
use with the AB 2 module. Failure to do so may result in a
potential safety hazard, including possible danger to persons
and/or equipment.
If you will be running the cable through a ventilation riser or
use plenum-rated cable to comply with NEC and local
electrical codes. Failure to do so may result in a potential fire
or safety hazard.
Always observe the appropriate safety codes for concealed
wiring. Be extremely careful not to cut through or drill into
concealed wiring or pipes. Make a small inspection opening
before cutting or drilling.
Dust or dirt can cause special problems on wiring contacts.
Be sure all contacts are clean, and that all parts are installed
correctly to protect them from dust and dirt.
Your Harman Kardon AB 2 Amplified In-Wall Module has been
custom-designed for use with Harman Kardon A-BUS-equipped
products; it is also compatible with many other A-BUS-compatible
systems. Do not connect it to any other device.
The AB 2 is only to be installed by qualified personnel and as
per the requirements of all applicable state and local building
codes, as well as NEC requirements. Check with your local
authorities as needed to ensure that all wiring inside walls is
installed in compliance with the proper standards. Failure to
do so may present a potential safety hazard.
If you have any doubt about your ability to work with electrical
and telecommunications wiring, you are advised to hire a
licensed electrician or custom installer to install this
Installation Planning
The AB 2 may be installed in any location appropriate for
standard in-wall electrical components. You are responsible for
selecting and properly installing an appropriate electrical junction
box or plaster ring. Check the fit of the box or ring with the
AB 2 before installation.
Since the AB 2 uses a built-in infrared sensor to receive commands,
avoid installing it near potential sources of interference, including
plasma video displays, dimmer-controlled lighting, bright sunlight,
and reflective surfaces such as mirrors or blank walls. Temporarily
place the AB 2 in the proposed location to test the integrity of
IR signals.
The AB 2 should be installed in a convenient place where it
may be operated manually, or by using a remote control from
any place in the room. The AB 2 may be mounted close to
other wall switches, but it should NEVER be installed in the same
gang box as any product (e.g., light switch or dimmer) where
AC line voltage is present.
Consider the distance from the AB 2 module to the speakers,
particularly when they are in-wall- or in-ceiling-mounted. Be certain
that there are no solid walls or load-bearing structures that
would prevent the speaker wires from reaching their location.
The cable used to connect the AB 2 to the A-BUS-equipped
receiver or hub should be Category 5/5e (or better). Be certain
that any local building or electrical codes mandating the use
of plenum or riser wiring are taken into account. The speaker
wiring should be in-wall-rated as required, and may not exceed
14 AWG. To simplify wiring, you may use two pairs of CL-3-rated
in-wall wiring and run a single cable from the AB 2 to both
locations. One pair will be used to connect the first speaker
and the other will continue to the second speaker.
NOTE: To ensure proper performance, the cable length
between an A-BUS source component and the AB 2
should not exceed 100 feet.
Speaker Selection
The AB 2 is compatible with in-wall or in-ceiling speakers that
have an efficiency rating of 88dB or greater, and a minimum
speaker impedance of 6 ohms.
What Is Included
Two self-starting, universal-head machine screws for mounting
• Remote control
You are responsible for providing a Decora-style wall plate,
available in a variety of colors at your local hardware retailer.
You must also provide the speakers and a sufficient length of
Category 5/5e (or better) UTP (unshielded twisted pair) cable
and an RJ-45 modular plug. The wiring scheme is the standard
TIA 568A configuration. The maximum length should not exceed
100 feet, to avoid degrading the signal. Further information on
the correct wiring configuration is provided in Step Two.
Keypad Controls
Wall-Plate Screw Holes – Use these screw holes to attach
your Decora-style wall plate to the AB 2.
Mounting Screw Slots – Use the supplied machine screws
to attach the AB 2 to an electrical junction box or plaster ring
through these slots.
Buttons Press these buttons to raise or
lower the volume of the speakers connected to the AB 2.
Temporarily mute the system by tapping the Power Off button.
To unmute the system and return to the previous volume level,
tap the Power Off button again.
IR Sensor – This sensor receives signals from the included
remote control, the main or second-zone remote supplied with
some Harman Kardon multizone receivers, or a source remote,
and uses them internally or passes them on to other components.
When a command is received, the Status LED blinks and the
AB 2 sounds a tone through the speakers connected to it in
acknowledgement of the command. The operating range of
the infrared system is up to 60 feet in ideal lighting conditions,
and up to 15 feet in bright sunlight.
Status LED – The LED behind the red window indicates the
system’s status.
When the LED is not lit, the AB 2 is not connected to a
powered A-BUS-equipped component or hub.
When the LED is at full brightness, the system is operational.
The LED will blink when it is receiving an infrared command
code from a compatible remote control.
AVR Tuner/DMP Control – Tap this button to turn on an
A-BUS-equipped Harman Kardon A/ V receiver’s (AVR’s)
multiroom system and select the tuner as the multiroom
(remote-zone) source. Each additional tap changes the tuner band.
Wall-Plate Screw Hole
Wall-Plate Screw Hole
Mounting Screw Slot
Mounting Screw Slot
Power Off/Mute
IR Sensor
Status LED
Skip Up/Down
Volume Up/Down
AVR Tuner/DMP Control
CD Source Control
DVD Source Control
MP3 Source Control
Input-Cable Connection Block – Using standard IDC punch-
down tools, connect the Category 5/5e cable linking the AB 2
to the receiver or hub to this connection block in accordance
with the color code printed on the circuit board.
Output-Level Trims Use these trim pots prior to final instal-
lation to match the output level of the AB 2 to your speakers.
Speaker-Terminal Block – The wire used to connect the
AB 2 to your speakers is connected to this terminal block.
Insert the wire in accordance with the color coding shown and
then tighten the screw. The maximum wire size is 14 AWG.
Installation and Connection
• Before beginning the installation process, make certain
that all electronic products in the system are turned off
and disconnected from their A/V power connection.
This avoids the possibility of accidental activation,
which could possibly damage the equipment or cause
personal injury. Do not turn on the equipment until
instructed to do so.
• Be certain to observe all appropriate safety measures
when installing any wiring, including, but not limited to,
the use of eye protection when required, and attention
to the required distances between low-voltage wiring
and high-voltage AC mains wiring.
Step One: Run a Category 5/5e cable from the receiver
or hub location to the module.
Run a splice-free Category 5/5e cable from the location where
the AB 2 module will be installed to the location where the
A-BUS-equipped product or hub is placed. Leave sufficient
wire at each end for ease of installation. Any extra wire may
be trimmed back during the installation. You will need to have
access to the rear of the AB 2 after the module is connected,
but before the module is secured into the wall box.
Step Two: Prepare and install an RJ-45 plug at the
receiver end of the system.
The connection and cable termination at the receiver or hub
end of the installation is a standard RJ-45 connector using the
TIA 568A configuration.
Connect an RJ-45 plug to the end of the wire as follows.
Looking at the connector with its clip on top and the wires
coming out of the connector
toward you, numbered from right
to left, the typical pin colors are as follows:
Pin Striped Wire Pairs Signal
1 Green and White Left Channel Ground
2 Green Left Channel
3 Orange and White Right Channel Ground
4 Blue IR
5 Blue and White Status
6 Orange Right Channel
7 Brown and White Ground
8 Brown +24V DC
Note that one wire in each pair is always a solid color, and the
other is either white or striped. Make sure that the twisted pairs
of wires consist of those attached to pins 1 and 2, pins 3 and
6, pins 4 and 5, and pins 7 and 8.
Press and hold this button to select The Bridge/DMP as the
multiroom source. If a compatible iPod (not included) is docked in
The Bridge, it will begin playing. The Bridge is a Harman Kardon
accessory that is sold separately. It may be connected to a
The Bridge-ready Harman Kardon product.
CD Source Control – When the AB 2 is used with a
Harman Kardon ABH 4000 or other compatible multizone
A-BUS hub, and when a Harman Kardon CD player is connected
to Source 2 of the hub, tap this button to select the CD player
as the source and begin play (if the player was not already
playing). Tap the button again to pause play. If audio is not
heard within a few moments of the first tap, tap the button
again, as the CD player may have already been playing and
would have interpreted the command as a Pause.
If this button was previously tapped to start play, press and hold
the button to skip to the next disc (if the player is a multidisc unit).
DVD Source Control – When the AB 2 is used with a
Harman Kardon ABH 4000 or other compatible multizone A-BUS
hub, and when a Harman Kardon DVD player is connected to
Source 3 of the hub, tap this button to select the DVD player
as the source and begin play.
If this button was previously tapped to select the DVD player
as the source, press and hold the button to begin play.
MP3 Source Control – When the AB 2 is used with a
Harman Kardon ABH 4000 or other compatible multizone
A-BUS hub, and when an MP3 player is connected to Source 4
of the hub, tap or press and hold this button to select the MP3
player as the source.
Power Off/Mute – Tap this button to mute the AB 2. Tap it
again to resume hearing audio. Muting the AB 2 does not affect
the source device, which will continue playing.
If the AVR’s tuner or The Bridge is the current source, or if
the AB 2 is connected directly to the AVR, press and hold this
button to turn off the AVR’s multiroom system. If any other
source has been selected and the AB 2 has been connected
to a hub, press and hold this button to power off the hub.
Skip Up/Down – Tap this button to skip up, and press and hold it
to skip down. The precise behavior depends on the current source:
AVR Tuner: Preset up or down; no effect on The Bridge
CD: Track skip up or down (Harman Kardon players only)
DVD: Next or previous chapter (Harman Kardon players only)
MP3: No effect
NOTE: When the AB 2 is connected directly to a
Harman Kardon AVR, you may control sources connected
to the AVR by pointing the AVR’s or source’s remote at the
AB 2’s IR sensor.
Rear-Panel Connections
Speaker-Terminal Block
Output-Level Trims
Connection Block
AB2 Owner’s Manual 11/18/08 1:01 PM Page 1

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