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Dear Customer,
We are certain that the excellent quali-
ties of the Hako-Citymaster 1250 will
justify the faith you have shown in us
through your purchase.
Your safety, and that of others, basical-
ly lies in your ability to control and oper-
ate the vehicle. Before using the vehicle
for the first time, read this translation of
the original manual thoroughly, act ac-
cording to the information contained
and keep it in a safe place for future ref-
erence or subsequent owners. Please
read the Chapter "Safety Information"
prior to starting the vehicle to ensure it
is operated and used safely.
The operating manual contains all the
most important information regarding
operation, maintenance and service.
Throughout this manual, texts which
concern safety are indicated by the cor-
responding danger pictogram. Should
you have any questions in respect of
the vehicle or operating instruction
manual, your authorized Hako dealer is
available to provide help at any time.
We explicitly point out that no legal
claims may be asserted based on the
information contained in this manual.
Please pay attention that only original
spare parts are used for any necessary
maintenance and repair work. Only
original spare parts can guarantee long,
reliable equipment operation. We re-
serve the right to make technical im-
Valid from: March 2012
Hako GmbH
23843 Bad Oldesloe
Hamburger Straße 209-239
Telephone: +49 4531 806-0
Intended use
The Hako-Citymaster 1250 is a Multi-
purpose machine intended for commer-
cial and municipal all-year deployment.
This includes e.g. sweeping, lawn mow-
ing, deployment with a snow plough
and a sand and salt spreader. The
scrubber assembly allows cleaning of
city centers, parking garages, under-
ground parking areas or marketplaces.
Any use of the vehicle beyond this
scope is considered to be unintended
use. The manufacturer is not deemed li-
able for damage resulting from unin-
tended use; the risk lies solely with the
operator. The intended use also in-
cludes observing the operating and
maintenance conditions stipulated by
the manufacturer.
The machine may only be operated,
serviced or repaired by personnel who
are familiar with the work involved and
are aware of the risks.
The machine and its attachment devic-
es correspond to the usual health and
safety requirements in the EC Direc-
tives (see Declaration of Conformity) on
account of their design and construction
as well as the type distributed by us. In
the event of an unauthorized modifica-

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Andere handleiding(en) van Hako Citymaster 1250

Hako Citymaster 1250 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 154 pagina's

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