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Companion CD from HP
Companion CD from HPCompanion CD from HP
Companion CD from HP
Full Versions
Full VersionsFull Versions
Full Versions
Trial Versions
Trial VersionsTrial Versions
Trial Versions
Adobe Reader for PC
ClearVUE Suite (Word and Excel)
ClearVUE Suite (PPT and PDF)
Outlook 2002 Desktop
WorldMate (NA Retail only)
Media Player Desktop
Altiris Express
Afaria Management
File Explorer 2003
Margi Presenter-to-go
Pocket Informant 5.0
CD Links
CD LinksCD Links
CD Links
Audible Player
iPAQ Backup upgrade
Vindigo 2.0
Microsoft Games
Additional Documentation
Additional DocumentationAdditional Documentation
Additional Documentation
Safety and Comfort Guide on PDF, and User Guide on PDF
Programs may vary based on model. Some programs are accessed through CD links to
download web sites.
High-speed, low-power, short-range wireless communication with other
Bluetooth devices
Bluetooth specification
Bluetooth specificationBluetooth specification
Bluetooth specification
1.2 compliant (2.4-GHz Industrial Scientific Medical Band)
System interface
System interfaceSystem interface
System interface
High-speed UART processor interface
User Interface
User InterfaceUser Interface
User Interface
Bluetooth Manager
Device type
Device typeDevice type
Device type
Class II device; up to 4 dBm transmit, typical 10 meter range
3.3V 5% Peak current
– typical TX current at approximately 30 mA
– typical RX current at approximately 50 mA
Receiver sensitivity
Receiver sensitivityReceiver sensitivity
Receiver sensitivity
-83 dBm
Regulatory standards
Regulatory standardsRegulatory standards
Regulatory standards
R&TT#-EN 300 328 and EN 300 826, UL 1950, CB Safety Scheme
inclusive of EN 60950 and IEC 950, FCC Part 15 subpart C, Canadian, CE
Profile Support
Profile SupportProfile Support
Profile Support
General Access Profile
Service Discovery Application Profile
Serial Port Profile
Generic Object Exchange Profile
File Transfer Profile
Dial-Up Networking Profile
LAN Access Profile
Object Push Profile
Personal Area Networking Profile
Basic Printing Profile
Hard Copy Replacement Profile (printing)
Headset Profile
HP iPAQ hx2110 Pocket PC
HP iPAQ hx2110 Pocket PCHP iPAQ hx2110 Pocket PC
HP iPAQ hx2110 Pocket PC
Standard Features
DA - 12063 North America — Version 3 — October 6, 2005
Page 6

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