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Operating System
Operating SystemOperating System
Operating System
Microsoft® Windows Mobile™ 2003 Second Edition software for Pocket PC
Pocket versions of Microsoft software are included (Outlook, Word, Excel and Internet Explorer for
Pocket PC)
Operating System
Operating SystemOperating System
Operating System
Powered by Microsoft® Windows Mobile™ 2003 Second Edition for Pocket PC
Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Voice Recorder, Notes, Pocket Word (with Spellchecker), Pocket Excel,
Pocket Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player 9 (MP3, audio and video streaming), Calculator,
Solitaire, Jawbreaker, Inbox (with Spell Checker for email), File Explorer, Pictures, Terminal Services
Client, VPN Client, Infrared Beaming, Clock, Align Screen, Memory, Volume control
In the box
In the boxIn the box
In the box
HP iPAQ hx2100 series Pocket PC, lithium-Ion 920 mAh removable/rechargeable battery, AC adapter,
charger adapter, USB desktop synchronization cable, stylus, protective plastic flip cover, Getting Started
Guide, How Do I…? Guide, and HP iPAQ Pocket PC Companion CD.
Additional Software and
Additional Software andAdditional Software and
Additional Software and
Outlook 2002, Microsoft ActiveSync 3.7.1 (Desktop device synchronization), Microsoft Reader eBooks,
and links to Microsoft websites for additional downloadable applications.
some programs may require purchase of additional desktop software to utilize Pocket PC
Service and Support
Service and SupportService and Support
Service and Support
One-year parts and labor in most regions; 90 days technical support for software in most regions.
Additional offers may vary by region.
HP Exclusive Applications
HP Exclusive ApplicationsHP Exclusive Applications
HP Exclusive Applications
HP ProtectTools secured by CREDANT Technologies: secure your device and your data
Bluetooth Phone Manager: connect to a Bluetooth enabled phone and browse the internet
iPAQ Wireless: manage your wireless connections
HP Profiles: set and name profiles to be used at different times for different functions, such as ring
type, volume, brightness and wireless settings
HP Mobile Printing: print to network and Bluetooth printers without any additional software
Bluetooth Manager: manage your Bluetooth connections and settings
iPAQ File Store: non-volatile storage in flash ROM
iPAQ Backup: backup and restore your data to main memory, memory card or iPAQ file store
iTask: launch and switch between tasks and applications
HP Image Zone for Pocket PC: view images and create slide shows
Utilities: Self Test, iPAQ Audio, Power Status
How Do I…? Guide
HP iPAQ hx2110 Pocket PC
HP iPAQ hx2110 Pocket PCHP iPAQ hx2110 Pocket PC
HP iPAQ hx2110 Pocket PC
Standard Features
DA - 12063 North America — Version 3 — October 6, 2005
Page 5

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