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HP Smart Tank Wireless 450 series
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Control panel
1 Control panel display: Indicates number of copies,
printhead priming state, media errors, wireless
status and signal strength, Wi-Fi Direct status, and
printhead problems. For more information about the
icons, see the user guide on www.support.hp.com
or the electronic Help installed with HP printer
2 (Cancel button): Stops the current operation.
3 (Wireless button): Turns wireless capabilities
on or o.
Wireless light: Indicates whether the printer is
connected to a wireless network or not. A blinking
light indicates that wireless has not been setup or
that the printer is attempting to connect.
4 (Wi-Fi Direct button): Turns Wi-Fi Direct on or
Wi-Fi Direct light: Indicates the on or o status
of Wi-Fi Direct. A blinking light indicates that the
printer is connecting to a mobile device in the Wi-Fi
Protected Setup (WPS) push mode or there is a
problem with the Wi-Fi Direct connection.
5 (Color Copy button): Starts a color copy job. To
increase the number of copies, press the button
multiple times. The number of copies appears
on the control panel display. Copying starts two
seconds after the last button press.
NOTE: You can generate a print quality diagnostics
report by pressing and holding the Color Copy
button for three seconds.
6 Printhead Alert light: Indicates printhead
7 (Resume button): Resumes a job after a
disruption (for example, after loading paper or
clearing a paper jam).
Resume light: Indicates the printer is in a warning
or error state.
8 (Information button): Press this button to
print information about how to wirelessly connect
your printer to your network or directly to your
computer and mobile devices.
9 (HP ePrint button): Turns HP ePrint on or o.
HP ePrint light: Indicates the on or o status of
HP ePrint. A blinking light indicates a problem
with the connection to Web Services.
(Black Copy button): Starts a black-and-white
copy job. To increase the number of copies, press
the button multiple times. The number of copies
appears on the control panel display. Copying
starts two seconds after the last button press.
(Power button): Turns the printer on or o.
The information contained herein is subject to change
without notice.

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Andere handleiding(en) van HP Smart Tank Wireless 450 series

HP Smart Tank Wireless 450 series Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 141 pagina's

HP Smart Tank Wireless 450 series Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 144 pagina's

HP Smart Tank Wireless 450 series Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 137 pagina's

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