• Hoe kan het Ip-adres van de HP Officejet 6500A Plus in de HP software wijzigen?

    Gesteld op 31-10-2014 om 11:49 in forum HP Officejet 6500A Misbruik melden
    • - Print a Network Config Page from the front of the printer. Note the printer's IP address.
      - Type that IP address into a browser to reveal the printer's internal settings.
      - Choose the Networking tab, then Wireless along the left side, then the IPv4 tab.
      - On this screen you want to set a Manual IP. You need to set an IP address outside the range that the router automatically sets (called the DHCP range). If you do not know the range, change the last set of numbers (those after the last '.') to 250
      - Use for the subnet (unless you know it is different, if so, use that)
      - Enter your router's IP (on the Network Config Page) for the gateway.
      - Enter for the first DNS and for the second DNS. This is Google DNS. You can choose another external DNS if you wish.
      - Click 'Apply'.

      Now, shut down the router and printer, start the router, wait, then start the printer.

      After this you may need to redo 'Add a Printer' using the new IP address.

      Dit even in het engels geschreven.
      Groeten Jan ,
      Geantwoord op 22-11-2014 om 13:14

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