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Dansk ............. 19
Català ............. 16
Español ........... 13
Italiano ........... 10
Deutsch ............. 7
Français ............ 4
English .............. 1
Norsk .............. 37
Lietuvių .......... 34
Latviešu .......... 31
Suomi ............. 28
Eesti ............... 25
Nederlands ...... 22
Svenska .......... 43
Português ....... 40
1. For Windows 7 or lower, do not connect the USB cable before installing
the software. The installation process prompts to connect the cable at
the appropriate time. If the cable is already connected, restart the printer
when installation prompts to connect the cable.
2. Continue to “5. Locate or download the software installation les.”
NOTE: During software installation, select the option to Directly connect
this computer using a USB cable.
1. For Mac, connect the USB cable between the computer and the printer
before installing the software.
2. Continue to “5. Locate or download the software installation les.”
Wireless network connection
(nw, rnw, and fw models only)
fw models
1. To connect the printer to a wireless (Wi-Fi) network, on the printer control
panel, touch the Wireless button.
2. Touch Wireless Menu, and then touch Wireless Setup Wizard. Select the
network name from the SSID list, or enter the network name if it is not
3. Use the keyboard to enter the passphrase, and then touch the OK button.
4. Wait while the printer establishes a network connection.
5. On the printer control panel, touch the Network button. If an IP address
is listed, the network connection has been established. If not, wait a few
more minutes and try again. Note the IP address for use during software
installation. Example IP address:
6. To print from a computer, continue with “5. Locate or download the
software installation les.” To print from a phone or tablet only,
continue with “7. Mobile and wireless printing (optional).”
nw and rnw models
1. To connect the printer to a wireless (Wi-Fi) network, make sure that the
printer, access point, and computer are turned on and that the computer
is connected to the wireless network.
2. A USB cable will be required.
3. Disconnect any USB or Ethernet cable that is connected to the printer.
4. To print from a computer, continue with “5. Locate or download the
software installation les.” To print from a phone or tablet only,
continue with “7. Mobile and wireless printing (optional).”
NOTE: During software installation, select the option to Help me set up a
rst-time wireless connection.
Wired (Ethernet) network connection
Use a standard network cable.
1. Connect the network cable to the printer and to the network. Wait a few
minutes for the printer to acquire a network address.
2. Continue to “5. Locate or download the software installation les.”
NOTE: During software installation, select the option to Connect through
a network.
www.hp.com/support/ljMFPM125series www.register.hp.com
LaserJet Pro
MFP M125, M126, M127, M128
Getting Started Guide
USB connection directly between the
printer and the computer
Use an A-to-B type USB cable.
Follow Steps 1 - 3 on
the printer hardware setup
poster, then continue
with Step 4 below.
Find printer IP address (optional)
1. Press the Setup button.
2. Open Reports, then open Cong Report, and press OK.
3. Find the printer IP address in the Network Information section.
NOTE: For more information, see the User Guide.
Select a connection method and prepare for software installation

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Andere handleiding(en) van HP LaserJet Pro MFP M125

HP LaserJet Pro MFP M125 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 134 pagina's

HP LaserJet Pro MFP M125 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 134 pagina's

HP LaserJet Pro MFP M125 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 124 pagina's

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