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© 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
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Ink usage
Ink from the cartridges is used in the printing process in a number of different ways, including in the
initialization process, which prepares the device and cartridges for printing, and in printhead servicing, which
keeps print nozzles clear and ink flowing smoothly. In addition, some residual ink is left in the cartridge after
it is used. For more information, see www.hp.com/go/inkusage.
The setup flyer will guide you through loading paper, inserting cartridges, and other printer setup steps. If you
want an animated setup guide, insert the software CD, and then follow the onscreen instructions.
To find the European Union Regulatory Notice statement and compliance information, go to
the electronic Help, click Appendix > Technical information > Regulatory notices > European
Union Regulatory Notice or click Technical information > Regulatory notices > European
Union Regulatory Notice. The Declaration of Conformity for this product is available at the
following web address: www.hp.eu/certificates.
Electronic Help
The electronic Help is automatically installed during printer software installation. Electronic Help includes
instructions on product features and troubleshooting, with additional links to online content. It also provides
product specifications, legal notices, environmental, regulatory, and support information.
Windows: After software installation, click Start > All Programs > HP > HP Deskjet 2510 series > Help.
Mac: During software installation, in the screen showing recommended software, select HP Recommended
Software, and then finish software installation.
• Mac OS X v10.6: Choose Mac Help from Help. In the Help Viewer, click and hold the Home button, and
then choose the Help for your device.
• Mac OS X v10.7: Choose Help Center from Help. In the Help Center, click Help for all your apps, and
then choose the Help for your device.
The Readme le contains HP support contact information, operating system requirements, and the most recent updates to
your product information.
Windows: Insert software CD. On software CD locate ReadMe.chm. Click ReadMe.chm to open and then
select ReadMe in your language.
Mac: Insert the software CD, and then double-click the Read Me folder located at the top-level of the software
Standard data rates may apply.
Scan to learn about your printer.

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Andere handleiding(en) van HP Deskjet 2512

HP Deskjet 2512 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 54 pagina's

HP Deskjet 2512 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 54 pagina's

HP Deskjet 2512 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 52 pagina's

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