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1Apply in car, marine, solar electric power/wind electric power, motive office, emergency work, outwork.
2Efficiency up to 85%, super surge capacity to start difficult load
3Strong adaptable and stable load
4Over-current and short circuit by fuse protection
5Cabinet fuse and restart safely
6Low voltage protection
7Over-load protection
8Smart size, light and compatible, no noisy and no pollution, no maintenance
1 Connect this device with the cigarette plug output, please check whether the plug fit the cigarette
2 Please make sure the device indicator is on
3Connect this device with the applicant to be used
4How to change the fuse: turn the front plug in anti clock direction and change new fuse.
1Before use, please confirm the input voltage of inverter is matched to the output of car cigar plug, and
confirm the rated power of applicant within the range of power inverter.
2Do not use this device when engine is off, otherwise, it may damage the car battery
3 Please do not use this device to the place with rain,sun light, heating devices, wet and dusty . Otherwise,
it will lead to accident.
4Please do not dismantle and modify the device.
5To avoid the electric shock, please do not handle plug of this device or electric device using wet hand.
6Please do not leave device in the reach of children avoid wound and electric shock.
7If some abnormal situation happens, please STOP using this device immediately to avoid any accident.
Technology data
Input voltage
DC 12V
Output voltage
AC 220V - AC 240V
USB Output
DC 5V (500mA)
Continuous power
Peak power 300W
Output frequency 50 +/- 3Hz
Output waveform Modified sine wave
Max Output efficiency 85%
12V input, No load current
Low voltage protection DC 10.2-10.8V
Over voltage protection
DC 15-16V
Overload shutdown
Operation temperature
V1 - 28/04/2015

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