Pagina terug
Pagina verder
1. IR Transmitter
2. POWER Key
3. Device Keys
4. Number Keys
5. TV/AV Key
6. Video Recorder Keys
7. LED indicator
8. SET-UP Key
9. Mute Key
10. Fastext Keys
Thank you for purchasing the RC-7-1 universal remote con-
trol.Before you can use your new remote, you will need to pro-
gram it to operate the specic A/V home entertainment equip-
ment you wish to control. Simply enter proper device codes for
your equipment and it is ready to use.
1. On the back of the RC-7-1,
pull the battery compartment cover.
2. Insert two (2) AAA new Alkaline
3. Match the (+) and (-) poles correctly
aligned into the battery compartment.
4. Close the battery compartment.
NOTE: Removing the batteries for
more than 2 minutes will require you to reprogram your re-
To program your RC-7-1 to operate your TV:
1. Turn on your TV.
2. Press & hold the key and press the key once. At this
time, the red LED light will light up.
3. Release the key and key.
4. Enter the 4-Digit TV code from the code list for your brand
equipment. If you perform this procedure correctly, the red
LED light will go out. Otherwise, the red LED ashes 2
5. Aim the RC-7-1 at your TV and press key. Your TV should
turn off. If none of the keys or only some of the keys operate
your TV, repeat Steps 2-4, trying each code listed for your
brand until you nd the one that operates your TV.
6. Your RC-7-1 is now programmed to operate your TV. Write
down your TV code on the label at the back of the RC-7-1
for future reference.
7. To program other equipment, repeat the Steps 1-6 for your
DVD, SAT, AUDIO and or your second TV or DVD.
NOTE: To leave the SETUP during the code entering, just
press any of the [DEVICE] keys once. In other cases, if no
code is entered within 10 seconds, the red LED light will go
out automatically.
This auto search method checks all its preprogrammed codes
to nd the code that will operate your equipment automatically.
This method may take a few minutes.
1. Turn on your TV and press the device mode as .
2. Aim the RC-7-1 at your TV.
3. Press & hold the key and key at the same time for 3
seconds until the red LED lights up. Then release the key
and key. AUTO SEARCH is now performed.
31588_manual.indd 2 22-09-2008 13:51:53

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