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GZUA 1.1600D
(1) Cinch-INPUT L/R These inputs are for signal cables from the source, Always use high quality RCA
type shielded cables
(2) Cinch-Output L/R for more amplifiers
(3) Power LED This GREEN LED will illuminate when the amplifier is turned “ON”
(4) Protection LED The amplifier protection circuitry will disable the amplifier if overload, short circuit
or extremely high temperature conditions are detected. When the protection mode is in operation, the LED
indicator will be illuminated, indicating the amplifier has gone into a self-protection mode
(5) Input Sensitivity Adjustemt This control adjusts the amplifier’s input sensitivity.
Input sensitivity
is variable from 200mV to 6 Volt. Clockwise increases sensitivity. Counterclockwise decreases sensitivity.
This knob is not a volume control for the amplifier. The amplifier can be driven to full power with a wide
range of signal levels. A lower signal level will require increased sensitivity for full power. A higher signal
level will require decreased sensitivity.
(6) Subsonic Filter
(7) Bass Boost
(8) Variable Low pass Filter(35 Hz-250Hz)
(9) Phase Shift Controls 0-180° Allows the optimum alignment of audio output at speakers for best
sonic imaging
(10) Remote Level Controll connection for Basslevel controll
(11) Master-Slave switch for Linkmode Ground Terminal GND Connect the GND terminal to the
chassis ground of your car and take care of the electric and mechanical contact.
(12) Ground Terminal GND Connect the GND terminal to the chassis ground of your car and take care
of the electric and mechanical contact.
(13) Remote+12Volt Wire the remote connections to the auto start lead of your Headunit
(14) +12 Volt Power Wire the amplifier directly to the car battery
(15) Speaker Terminals

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