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These OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS are a guide to using and maintaining the NUVOLA
machine manufactured by Grimac srl.
Before USING OR WORKING ON THE MACHINE in any way, read the whole of this MAN-
UAL carefully.
The manual contains all the information, advice and warnings about using the NUVOLA
that are required to ensure long term reliability and optimum operating efficiency. The
machine is extremely easy to use and produces high quality coffee amazingly quicky.
The operating principle consists of using pre-packed pods containing ready ground coffee
that has been expertly measured and pressed. The pods have in fact been packed in a
controlled atmosphere that ensures that there is no moisture inside the bags and excellent
coffee is obtained in just a few seconds. Carefully follow all the advice contained in the
manual in order to ensure optimum machine efficiency and in order to ensure that it has a
long working life. Remember that the Operating Instructions are an integral part of the
product and must be kept carefully throughout the whole working life of the machine.
If the machine is passed into another user or owner the OPERATING INSTRUC-
TIONS must go with it.
The symbols below are used to draw the reader’s attention to important points regard-
ing personal safety, machine safety and to certain operating conditions.
Any use of the NUVOLA machine that is not specified in this manual or any use of
products other than those approved at the time of purchase exonerates GRIMAC srl
from any liability for any harm or injury to persons or damage to things or the machine.
Never place hands or metal or other objects inside the machine when it is connected
to the electric power supply.
Always contact one of our service centres for any repair or maintenance task that is
not described in this manual.
Before working on the machine in any way, ALWAYS take out the plug from the mains
power supply socket.
Check the power cable regularly. A worn cable is a potential source of electrocution.
Before using the machine to make coffee, make sure that you are perfectly familiar
with the location and function of all the controls and the machine specifications con-
The NUVOLA coffee machine component parts are housed inside a series of covers or
guards that isolate them from any contact with the outside and the person using the
1 - Removable top guard (fig.1): protects the housing containing the water
tank. It is not fixed by screws and is removed in order to supply the ma-
chine with water.
12 - Fixed top guard (fig.1): must be removed ONLY by competent and author-
ised persons. It contains the machine’s vital working parts.
Switch off the machine and disconnect it from the mains electric power supply be-
fore carrying out routine maintenance, special maintenance and general cleaning
In order to ensure that the machine has a long working life, component parts should
be replaced with original GRIMAC parts by competent, Grimac approved staff.
After carrying out any kind of maintenance, ensure that all parts of the machine are in
proper working order.
Repairs to the electrical system must be carried out by properly qualified service
staff and only after the electric power supply has been disconnected and the plug has
been removed from the mains power supply socket.
Never use running water on the machine whilst it is switched on or being cleaned.
Never wash the machine with solvents, paint thinners, alcohol, etc. We recommend
the use of warm water and neutral detergent in order not to damage the internal and
external parts of the machine.
The NUVOLA coffee machine guarantees you an excellent cup of coffee and/or cappuc-
cino thanks to the simple “pod” system it uses (these are bags of coffee that have been
ready packed and expertly weighed) and to the fact that a strong jet of steam is always
ready for preparing the cappuccino (with no wait times). Nevertheless, the user must
ensure that the steps prescribed in Point “Machine operating principles and operating
instructions” are strictly adhered to and in particular the user must ensure that the pod
is properly centred on the pod holder. Keep the packed pods in a dry place away from
sources of heat and light.
The one portion pod is sufficient for just one cup.
This machine has been manufactured from component parts and materials that con-
form to the new standards now in force. Each part of the NUVOLA machine has there-
fore been carefully designed with particular attention being paid to the electrical system
components and the elements that come into direct contact with the coffee being dis-
pensed and the steam being produced.
The NUVOLA coffee machine is housed in a box that protects it from jolts and breakage.
Open the box and remove the moveable cardboard protection in order to be able to take
hold of the bottom of the machine with both hands. Lift out slowly an d carefully.
Rest the machine on a flat surface or table for the preliminary operations.
First, check that the machine is complete and undamaged. If you have any doubts,
contact one of our service centres. The NUVOLA coffee machine is tested, packed and
dispatched ready assembled by GRIMAC s.r.l.
Any breakage or other matter is the direct responsibility of the shipper.
Check the machine carefully when taking delivery.
In the event of damage, please contact the dealer and advise the damage as-
Before connecting the coffee machine to the mains electric power supply, check
that the mains voltage is compatible with the technical specifications.
The electrical system must be earthed.
General operating
General warning
Damage may be
nused to things or to
the coffee machine.
Source of danger to
persons or the ma-
Danger of electric
shock to persons or
electrical damage to
the coffee machine.
After checking that the machine is complete, locate it in the position in which
it will be used. Ensure that the position is stable and safe and allows enough
space for carrying out the different operations (pulling the lever, topping up
the water and fitting the pod).
Ensure that the machine is placed out of the reach of children.
Do not position the machine in a place where a lot of people walk to and from
or in a narrow passage way so that people do not knock into it.
The machine is delivered ready assembled and does not require any mechanical
adjustment. The plug just needs to be inserted into the socket provided.
The water tank should be rinsed. To do so, remove the two pipes and remove
it from its location. Next, fill it with water and reposition it, taking care to insert
the pipes into their holes (fig. 2).
Installation and final adjustments should nevertheless be carried out by com-
petent and properly qualified service staff.
Supply voltage and absorbed power:
- 230 V, 1400 W (Europe)
- 110 V, 1400 W (North America/Japan)
- Weight: 10 Kg
- Tank capacity 3 litres
1 Manually reset thermostat: 145 °C
2 Fixed, maximum temperature safety thermostats: 90 °C, 96 °C or 100 °C.
1 Thermostat: 155 °C
1 Safety thermostat: 215 °C.
The machine is guaranteed for 24 months from the date of purchase and the guarantee
extends to all electrical and mechanical components.
Guarantee rights are voided if the machine is used in an improper manner or if unau-
thorised persons tamper with it. Also excluded are parts that are damaged due to failure
to clean the machine (see Section “Cleaning”).
Parts that are acknowledged to be faulty will be replaced free of charge.
Transport costs shall be borne by the purchaser.
Grimac srl reserves the right to make modifications to any of its models at any moment. It also
declines all liability for harm or injury to persons or damage to things arising from failure to observe
the regulations contained in this manual.
The NUVOLA coffee machine comprises the following external component parts (fig. 1):
1) removable cover
2) main switch
3) coffee dispenser switch
4) steam switch
5) machine-powered warning light
6) “coffee” warning light
7) top and bottom pod holder and adjusting ring nut
8) lever for opening/closing the pod holder
9) drip tray and grid
10) power supply cable
The pod is fitted (follow the instructions set out in Point “Machine operating principles
and operating instructions” very carefully), the lever 8 is turned to the right and the
coffee is dispensed: the boiling water flows from the top to the bottom through the pod
holder and therefore through the pod positioned in the centre so that the coffee flows
through the nozzle into the coffee cup.
Dimensions and space required:
H = Height = 320 mm
D = Depth = 350 mm
W = Width = 230 mm
GRIMAC s.r.l. - Via Morazzo, 2 - 40069 Zola Predosa (Bologna) Italy
tel. +39 051 755668 (4 linee a.h.) - fax +39 051 755948
E-mail: info@grimac.net - Web site: www.grimac.it
11) cappuccino-maker
12) fixed cover

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