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Instructions for use, installation and connection
Electric oven GB IE MT
Dear Customer!
Congratulations on your purchase. See for yourself: our
products read reliability.
These ample instructions have been compiled in order to help
you learn how to handle the appliance. They will show you step
by step what your appliance is capable of, so please read them
carefully before you attempt to use your cooker for the first
Safety warnings are listed on page 38.
The first thing to do is to check if your appliance has arrived
undamaged. In case you find any transport damages, please
report it immediately to your local dealer, or to the regional
warehouse which supplied the appliance. You will find their
phone numbers on the invoice or on the delivery note.
We hope your cooker will successfully serve its purpose for
many years.
Safety precautions ........................................................ 38
Intended use
Cooling fan
Oven door delay switch
Description of the appliance ........................................ 39
Control panel description ............................................ 39
Prior first use ................................................................ 40
Tips for the use of oven
General setting options in oven control ...................... 40
Use of oven .................................................................... 40
Alternatives with the oven off:
Selection and setting of oven temperature
Alarm timer
Safety sensor block
Programmed roasting with the meat probe
The oven may be controlled in two ways .................... 43
Switching between the two control modes
Food selection mode
Operation mode selection............................................. 43
Important warnings!
Modes of operation
Oven guide levels
Oven accessories
Telescopic slide guides
Grease filter
Baking pastry
Grilling and browning (barbecue)
Preserving of fruit and vegetables
Cleaning and maintenance ...........................................50
Troubleshooting guide ..................................................51
Replacement of parts ....................................................51
Other accessories
Oven light bulb
Instructions for installation and connection ...............52
Safety precautions for installation
Installation of electric oven ..........................................52
Electric connection........................................................53
Technical information...................................................54
After sale service ...........................................................54
Rating plate
Safety precautions
To avoid any possible hazard, the appliance may be
installed by qualified personnel only.
Any repairs by unqualified persons may result in electric
shock or short circuit. In order to avoid possible injuries to
your body or to the appliance, do not attempt any repairs by
yourself. Such work should be carried out by qualified
service personnel.
Warning! Never let small children in the vicinity of the
cooker; they are not yet aware of danger of burns. Older
children may use the appliance only under your surveillance.
Danger of burns! Oven and cooking accessories may
become very hot during operation. To avoid burns use
kitchen clothes and gloves when handling hot parts or
Mains lead of adjacent appliances may be damaged by
hotplates or if stuck between the oven doors, and produce
short circuit, therefore keep them at safe distance from the
Never clean the oven with the high-pressure steam cleaning
device, as it may provoke short circuit.
Oven door may become very hot during operation.
Therefore, some models are equipped with the third glass to
reduce the surface heat of the glass, as an extra protection
against burns.
The appliance is manufactured in compliance with the
relevant effective safety standards. Nevertheless, we
strongly recommend that persons with impaired physical,
motoric, or mental capacity, or persons with inadequate
experience or knowledge, do not use the appliance unless
attended by a qualified person. The same recommendation
applies when the appliance is used by persons of less-than-
legal age.
Intended use
This appliance is intended for use in your household. Never
use the appliance for any other purpose!
These instructions describe in detail all the particulars and
possibilities of its use.
Cooling fan
(certain models only)
The appliance is equipped with a built-in cooling fan, cooling
the casing and the control panel of the appliance.
The cooling fan is put in operation by selecting any of the oven
operation modes.
Extended performance of cooling fan
(applies to some models only)
Cooling fan works for some time after the oven is turned OFF
and thus additionally cools the appliance.
Oven door delay switch
(certain models only)
Oven door is fitted with special delay switch which turns the
oven heating off (only in hot air heating mode) when the oven
door is opened, and restarts the heating when the oven door is
closed again.

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