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The appliance may only be connected to the power mains by a service technician or other
quali ed expert.
Unprofessional tampering and repairs may result in serious physical injury and damage to
the appliance. The repairs may only be carried out by the service personnel or an authorized
Attention: the danger of burning is considerable particularly for small children and children who
are not fully aware of the danger. There is a risk of burning or scalding. Therefore, keep small
children away from the appliance and only let older children use the appliance under suitable
Attention: danger of burning. Heating elements, the oven, and parts of the utensils may become
very hot during use; therefore, always use a kitchen cloth or kitchen gloves when handling
cookware, and take every precaution necessary to avoid burns.
Power cords of other appliances located in the vicinity of this large appliance may be damaged
if they are pinched e.g. by oven door, which can result in a short circuit. Therefore, keep the
power cords of any other appliances at a suitable distance.
Do not use steam cleaners or high-pressure cleaners to clean the appliance, as this may result
in an electric shock.
Pay a special attention when preparing the food in the oven. Baking pans, wire shelf and the
whole interior of the oven are very hot due to high temperatures, therefore the use of protective
gloves is highly recommended.
During operation, oven door heats up. To provide additional protection, a third and fourth glass
pane are installed. As a result, the temperature on the surface of the outermost oven door glass
is lower.
Do not cover the oven interior in aluminum foil and do not place the baking trays and other
containers on the oven bottom. Aluminum foil will prevent air circulation in the oven, thus
impeding the cooking process, and damage the enamel coating.
Before activating the automatic pyrolitic cleaning cycle, carefully read and observe the
instructions in the section Cleaning and Maintenance, in which correct and safe use of
this function is described!
Before activating the automatic cleaning program, remove the grid, grease lter, spit
roasting set, glass baking trays, meat probe, and any other cookware that is not a part of
the oven equipment.
Do not place anything directly on the bottom of the oven cavity!
Pieces of food, grease, and juices from the roast may ignite during the self-cleaning process.
Danger of re! Remove major impurities before starting the self-cleaning cycle.
During the self-cleaning process, the oven gets very hot, even on the outside. Danger of burns!
Do not allow the children near the oven!
Never hang ammable objects, such as cloths, on the oven door handle. Danger of re!
Make sure no impurities block the door lock slot / hole, as this could prevent automatic locking of
the door during the oven’s pyrolitic self-cleaning cycle.
As a result of pyrolitic cleaning, the cavity surface and oven accessories appropriate for pyrolitic
cleaning may be slightly discoloured and lose its lustre.
The oven door seal is not removable. Therefore, the manufacturer shall not be responsible for
any damage to the seal caused by its removal.
While the oven is in operation, the meat probe socket plug (only with some models) should
always be in place. If it is not, the oven will not heat up.
Important warnings

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Andere handleiding(en) van Gorenje BOP88ORAX

Gorenje BOP88ORAX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 48 pagina's

Gorenje BOP88ORAX Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 52 pagina's

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