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Dazzling Speed Performance
At the heart of FinePix4900 Zoom is an ASIC
(Application Specific Integrated Circuit) chip for
high-speed processing of all camera functions.
In fact, startup takes only 2 seconds and a quick
shot feature enables shooting at minimum 1
second intervals.
Electronic Viewfinder
FinePix4900 Zoom comes with a very user-
friendly electronic viewfinder. This digitally con-
trolled viewfinder can display all information
needed for each shot, including the current
shooting mode, number of shots, shutter speed,
f-stop and exposure compensation. As a result,
you can confirm all technical information while
looking through the viewfinder. You can also
take advantage of the “Picture-in-Picture” func-
tion which doubles the size of an image at the
center of the viewfinder, enabling you to check
the accuracy of your focus.
This electronic viewfinder is also capable of
displaying the same image as shown on the
LCD monitor. This feature comes in very handy
when it’s hard to see the image clearly on the
LCD monitor in a bright environment. Also
when you use this viewfinder instead of the
LCD monitor, the battery will last longer.
Conventional SLR-camera operability and
Zoom is
to making
SLR camera
fans feel
totally com-
fortable by
similar to conventional TTL SLR cameras. In
addition to its shutter speed and aperture dials,
the FinePix4900 Zoom provides specific buttons
for most other settings, allowing you to operate
the camera according to your creative intuition.
Although FinePix4900 Zoom sports an optical
6 zoom lens, its lightweight magnesium alloy
body is compactly designed to a naturally fit in
your hands.
Bright and Clear LCD Monitor
Zoom has a 2-
inch, low-tem-
polysilicon TFT
color LCD moni-
tor with 130,000
pixels. This
monitor pro-
duces crisp, detailed images for checking your
subjects both indoors and outdoors.
Various Playback Modes
In Playback Mode, you can view captured still
images and play motion pictures. Images and
video are displayed on the camera’s LCD moni-
tor. For much more impressive presentation of
your stills and videos, you can use an
audio/video cable to connect the camera to a
TV. In addition to Auto and Single Frame play-
back, you can also enlarge an image up to 15
in Playback Zoom and view a series of nine
shots simultaneously using the Multi-Frame
Other Features
A USB interface is equipped to make high-
speed transfers of image data to PCs.
FinePix4900 Zoom is powered by a NP-80
rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Not only
does this save money, it will also minimize the
impact on the environment.
FinePix4900 Zoom
will only flash when
you have its pop-up
built-in flash raised.
Its Super CCD
achieves a maximum
sensitivity equivalent
to ISO 800, letting you
shoot in low-light
conditions without using flash.
Expanded Versatility
FinePix4900 Zoom features superior expand-
ability with accessories. A 28mm wide-angle
conversion lens is available as an option. For
your creative photography, FinePix4900 Zoom’s
large-diameter lens allows use of a variety of fil-
ters available on the market. The hot shoe on
the upper part of the camera body enables syn-
use of sepa-
rate flash
Wide-angle Conversion
28 mm (Wide Conversion Lens)
35 mm (Wide-Angle setting)
EVF Finder
Picture in Picture (2X)
Continuous Shooting (Preview)
Menu (White Balance)
One Push White Balance
Normal Play Back
All Information
Fine mode, 2,400 × 1,800 pixels, 2 sec, f/11.0, ISO 200 equivalent
With External Flash Night Scenery Mode

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