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instrument panel
1. Media Steering Wheel Controls*
Press + to increase or to decrease volume levels.
Press to access voice recognition.
Press to access phone mode or to answer a call.
Press to exit phone mode or end a call.
Press the arrow controls to cycle through the audio menu
selections and press OK to confirm your selection.
2. Vehicle Information Display
Provides information for the odometer, trip distance and fuel economy
for your vehicle. Use the control on the end of the le-hand lever,
located on the le-hand side of the steering wheel. Press the button
to scroll through the display options. Refer to the Information Displays
chapter of your Owner’s Manual for more information.
3. Service Engine Soon
Lights briefly when you switch the ignition o. If the light remains
on or blinks aer you start the engine, the On-Board Diagnostics
(OBD-II) system detects a problem. Drive in a moderate fashion and
contact your authorized dealer as soon as possible.
4. Push Button Start*
Allows you to start your vehicle by pressing the ENGINE START
STOP button when fully pressing down on the clutch pedal (manual
transmission) or the brake pedal (automatic transmission).
Press the control again to switch the engine o.
Note: Your intelligent access transmitter* must be inside the vehicle for
the ignition to start.
*if equipped
*if equipped
5. Windshield Wipers
Pull the lever down for a single wipe. Raise the lever upward for intermittent
wipe. Adjust the intermittent wipe intervals by using the rotary control on the
lever. To spray and wash the windshield, press the end of the wiper lever in.
To operate the rear wiper*, pull the lever toward you.
6. Cruise Control*
To Set a Cruise Control Speed
a. Press and release ON.
b. Accelerate to the desired speed.
c. Press and release SET +, then take your foot o the accelerator.
Aer you set your speed, you can change it in 1 mph (2 km/h) increments by
pressing SET+ or SET. To disable, press the OFF control.
7. Tilt and Telescope Steering Column
Unlock the steering wheel by pulling the lever down. Adjust the wheel to the
desired position. Push the lever back up to lock the steering wheel into place.
8. MyFord Touch *
Displays information about Entertainment, Phone and Navigation*. Use the
controls located within your audio system to scroll through, highlight and
make minor adjustments within a selected menu. Refer to the MyFord Touch
chapter in your Owner’s Manual for more information.
9. Lock and Unlock Button
Press the button located near your audio system controls to lock
and unlock all the doors. When you lock all of the doors, the button lights.
When one or more doors remain unlocked, the button remains unlit.

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Zoeken resetten

  • Mijn navigatiesysteem heeft geen geluid.Ook mijn garage weet hier geen antwoord op. Hoe krijg ik geluid uit mijn navigatiesysteem Gesteld op 4-3-2022 om 16:38

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Ik Heb en ford fiesta uit 2015 gekocht. Klopt het dat de tankdop niet op slot kan?
    Jeannette Gesteld op 1-7-2020 om 10:12

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Ja dat klopt, toch is de pijp waar de benzine door gaat beveiligd. Ook als er suiker in gegooid zou worden ken het geen kwaad. Geantwoord op 8-6-2021 om 14:58

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford Fiesta 2015

Ford Fiesta 2015 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 18 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 340 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2015 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 423 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 470 pagina's

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