Pagina terug
Pagina verder
- 1 -
Package Contents .................................................. 2
Features ................................................................. 2
Introduction ............................................................. 2
Preparation ............................................................. 3
Safety Precautions ................................................. 3
Information for users in EU Countries .................... 4
Environmental Information ..................................... 5
Repair Information .............................................. 5
Remote Control Handset ........................................ 5
Inserting Batteries ............................................... 5
Remote Control Buttons ......................................... 6
TV and Operating Buttons ...................................... 7
Viewing the Connections – Back Connectors ......... 7
Viewing the Connections - Side Connectors .......... 8
Aerial Connection ................................................... 8
Power Connection .............................................. 8
Switching On/Off ..................................................... 9
To Switch the TV On ........................................... 9
To Switch the TV Off ........................................... 9
First Time Installation.............................................. 9
Using Side AV Connectors ................................... 10
Connecting to a DVD Player................................. 10
Using USB Inputs ..................................................11
Connecting the TV to a PC ................................... 12
Using Other Connectors ....................................... 12
Input Selection ...................................................... 12
Operation with the Buttons on the TV ............... 12
Volume Setting .............................................. 12
Programme Selection ................................... 13
Viewing Main Menu ....................................... 13
AV Mode ....................................................... 13
Operation with the Remote Control .................. 13
Volume Setting .............................................. 13
Programme Selection (Previous or Next
Programme) .................................................. 13
Programme Selection (Direct Access) .......... 13
EPG Timeline Schedule .................................... 13
Recording via EPG Screen ............................... 13
Programme Options.......................................... 13
EPG Channel Schedule .................................... 14
EPG Now and Next........................................... 14
Installation ............................................................ 15
Auto Channel Scan Menu Operation ................ 15
Manual Tuning ..................................................... 15
Digital Manual Search....................................... 15
Analogue Manual Search ................................. 15
Analogue Fine Tune ............................................. 16
Managing Stations: Channel List .......................... 16
Operating the Channel List ............................... 16
Moving a Channel ............................................. 16
Deleting a Channel ........................................... 16
Renaming a Channel ........................................ 16
Locking a Channel ............................................ 16
Managing Stations: Favourites ............................. 17
Button Functions ............................................... 17
Managing Stations: Sorting the Channel List ....... 17
On-Screen Information ......................................... 17
Media Playback Using Media Browser ................. 17
Viewing Photos via USB ................................... 18
Recordings Library............................................ 19
Media Browser Settings .................................... 20
Timeshift Recording ............................................. 20
Instant Recording ................................................. 20
Watching Recorded Programmes ....................... 21
Changing Image Size: Picture Formats ................ 21
Con guring Picture Settings ................................. 22
Operating Picture Settings Menu Items ............ 22
Picture Settings Menu Items ............................. 22
PC Picture Settings Operation .......................... 23
Con guring Sound Settings .................................. 23
Operating Sound Settings Menu Items ............. 23
Sound Settings Menu Items.............................. 23
Con guring Your TV’s Settings ............................. 24
Operating Settings Menu Items ........................ 24
Settings Menu Items ......................................... 24
Using a Conditional Access Module (not
included) ............................................................... 25
Viewing Conditional Access Menu (*) ............... 25
Con guring Language Preferences ...................... 25
Language Settings ............................................ 26
Parental Control.................................................... 26
Parental Settings Menu Operation (*) ............... 26
Timers ................................................................... 27
Setting Sleep Timer .......................................... 27
Recording Con guration ....................................... 27
Con guring Date/Time Settings ............................ 28
Con guring Source Settings ................................. 28
Con guring Other Settings ................................... 28
Operation .......................................................... 28
Other Features ..................................................... 29
Teletext ................................................................. 29
Digital Teletext .................................................. 30
Analogue Teletext ............................................. 30
Tips ....................................................................... 30
Appendix A: PC Input Typical Display Modes ....... 31
Appendix B: AV and HDMI Signal Compatibility
(Input Signal Types) .............................................. 31
Appendix C: Supported DVI Resolutions.............. 32
Appendix D: Supported File Formats for USB
Mode..................................................................... 33
Appendix E: Software Upgrade ............................ 34
cations ....................................................... 35
Important Instruction ............................................. 36
01_MB65_[GB]_IDTV_PVR_BRONZE18_5110UK_32965LED_10077098_50209126.indd 101_MB65_[GB]_IDTV_PVR_BRONZE18_5110UK_32965LED_10077098_50209126.indd 1 12.12.2011 14:30:2312.12.2011 14:30:23

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