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Some functions (Angle, Zoom etc) do
not work
• These functions are not available on the DVD.
Angle can only be changed when the angle symbol
is displayed.
No picture
• Have you pressed the correct buttons on the remote
control? Try once more.
No sound
• Check the volume is set to an audible level.
• Make sure you have not switched the sound off
Distorted sound
• Check that the appropriate listening mode setting
is correct.
No response from remote control
• Make sure the remote control is in the correct
• Check batteries are tted correctly.
• Change the batteries.
If nothing works
If you have tried the above solutions and none seem
to work, try switching your TV-DVD off and on again.
If this does not work, contact your supplier or TV-DVD
repair technician. Never attempt to repair a defective
TV-DVD yourself.
De nition of Terms
Recorded onto some DVD discs are scenes, which
have been simultaneously shot from a number of
different angles (the same scene is shot from the
front, from the left side, from the right side, etc.). With
such discs, the ANGLE button can be used to view
the scene from different angles.
Chapter Number
These numbers are recorded on DVD discs. A title
is subdivided into many sections, each of which are
numbered, and speci c parts of video presentations
can be searched quickly using these numbers.
This refers to a high-density optical disc on which
high-quality pictures and sound have been recorded
by means of digital signals. Incorporating a new video
compression technology (MPEG II) and high-density
recording technology. DVD enables aesthetically
pleasing full-motion video to be recorded over long
periods of time (for instance, a whole movie can be
DVD has a structure consisting of two 0.6-mm thin
discs, which are adhered to each other. Since the
thinner the disc, the higher the density at which the
information can be recorded, a DVD disc has a greater
capacity than a single 1.2 mm thick disc. Since the
two thin discs are adhered to each other, there is the
potential to achieve double-sided play sometime in
the future for even longer duration play.
These are printed lines appearing at the bottom of
the screen, which translate or transcribe the dialogue.
They are recorded on the DVD discs.
Time Number
This indicates the playtime, which has elapsed from
the start of a disc or a title. It can be used to nd a
speci c scene quickly. (Not all discs permit the time
search feature to be used. Availability is determined
by the disc’s manufacturer.)
Title Number
These numbers are recorded on DVD discs. When a
disc contains two or more movies, these movies are
numbered as title 1, title 2, etc.
Track Number
These numbers are assigned to the tracks, which are
recorded on AudioCDs. They enable speci c tracks
to be located quickly.
LPCM stands for Pulse Code Modulation and is
digital audio.
Short for Moving Picture Experts Group. This is an
international standard for compression of moving
images. On some DVDs digital audio has been
compressed and recorded in this format.
01_MB62_[GB]_(02-DVD)_WODIVX_5110UK_10073977_50192725.indd 4101_MB62_[GB]_(02-DVD)_WODIVX_5110UK_10073977_50192725.indd 41 12.09.2011 17:25:3112.09.2011 17:25:31

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