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2 Ferm
Read the safety and operating
instructions of the air tool and the
compressor before using the appliance.
1. Machine data
2. Safety instructions
3. Use
4. Maintenance
1. Machine data
Technical specifications
Operating pressure 4.5 - 6 bar
Nozzle diameter 1.5 mm
Maximum nozzle flow rate 6.5 cfm
Container capacity 750 cc
Weight 0.65 kg
2. Safety instructions
Explanation of symbols
In this manual and/or on the machine the following
symbols are used:
Wear protective gloves
Use a spray-mask during spraying
Wear eye protection
Safety instructions
Always read the user manual of the
compressor and of the objects and/or
materials you use.
• Avoidtoohighpressure
• Neverbloworsprayindirectionofyourselfor
others; this could cause serious injury.
• Keepbystandersandpetsaway
• Childrenandanimalsshouldbekeptfaraway
from the area of operation of the machine.
• Ifyouusethecompressortospraypaint:
a) Do not work in enclosed spaces or near
naked flames.
b) Makesurethattheenvironmentinwhich
you will be working has dedicated
c) Protect your nose and mouth with a
dedicated mask
• Ifthecompressorisnolongerinuse,always
take the plug out of the plug socket.
• Alwaysmakesurethatcompressed-airhoses
are used for compressed air and which are
characterised by a maximum pressure
adjusted to that of the compressor. Do not try
to repair the hose if it is damaged.
3. Use
Only use the compressor with accessory in a good
• ConnectthePUhosebetweencompressor
and accessory
• Slidethehose-couplerontheaccessoryuntil
the coupler clicks. Now the hose is connected
• Toreleasethecoupler,pulltheoutsidering
Use paint spray gun
check the following:
• Onlysprayingoodventilatedareas
• Useaspray-maskduringspraying
• Avoidopenfireandsmokingduringspraying
• Donotsprayinanareawithaburningstove
• Neverspraywithfuelofotherflammable
• Wearsafetygoggles
prepare the surface to be sprayed and thin the
should be thoroughly mixed and free from lumps
or other particles. Many substances can be
manufacturers recommendations before

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