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Congratulations to the purchase of this Fenton product. Please read this manual thoroughly prior to using the unit in order to
benefit fully from all features.
Read the manual prior to using the unit. Follow the instructions in order not to invalidate the warranty. Take all precautions to
avoid fire and/or electrical shock. Repairs must only be carried out by a qualified technician in order to avoid electrical shock.
Keep the manual for future reference.
- Prior to using the unit, please ask advice from a
specialist. When the unit is switched on for the first time,
some smell may occur. This is normal and will disappear
after a while.
- The unit contains voltage carrying parts. Therefore do
NOT open the housing.
- Do not place metal objects or pour liquids into the unit
This may cause electrical shock and malfunction.
- Do not place the unit near heat sources such as
radiators, etc. Do not place the unit on a vibrating
surface. Do not cover the ventilation holes.
- The unit is not suitable for continuous use.
- Be careful with the mains lead and do not damage it. A
faulty or damaged mains lead can cause electrical shock
and malfunction.
- When unplugging the unit from a mains outlet, always
pull the plug, never the lead.
- Do not plug or unplug the unit with wet hands.
- If the plug and/or the mains lead are damaged, they
need to be replaced by a qualified technician.
- If the unit is damaged to such an extent that internal
parts are visible, do NOT plug the unit into a mains outlet
and DO NOT switch the unit on. Contact your dealer. Do
NOT connect the unit to a rheostat or dimmer.
- To avoid fire and shock hazard, do not expose the unit to
rain and moisture.
- All repairs should be carried out by a qualified technician
- Connect the unit to an earthed mains outlet (220-
240Vac/50Hz) protected by a 10-16A fuse.
- During a thunderstorm or if the unit will not be used for a
longer period of time, unplug it from the mains. The rule
is: Unplug it from the mains when not in use.
- If the unit has not been used for a longer period of time,
condensation may occur. Let the unit reach room
temperature before you switch it on. Never use the unit in
humid rooms or outdoors.
- To prevent accidents in companies, you must follow the
applicable guide lines and follow the instructions.
- Do not repeatedly switch the fixture on and off. This
shortens the life time.
- Keep the unit out of the reach of children. Do not leave
the unit unattended.
- Do not use cleaning sprays to clean switches. The
residues of these sprays cause deposits of dust and
grease. In case of malfunction, always seek advice from
a specialist.
- Do not force the controls.
- This unit is with speaker inside which can cause
magnetic field. Keep this unit at least 60cm away from
computer or TV.
- If this product have a built-in lead-acid rechargeable
battery. Please recharge the battery every 3 months if
you are not going to use the product for a long period of
time. Otherwise the battery may be permanently
- If the battery is damaged please replace with same
specifications battery. And dispose the damaged battery
environment friendly.
- If the unit has fallen, always have it checked by a
qualified technician before you switch the unit on again.
- Do not use chemicals to clean the unit. They damage the
varnish. Only clean the unit with a dry cloth.
- Keep away from electronic equipment that may cause
- Only use original spares for repairs, otherwise serious
damage and/or dangerous radiation may occur.
- Switch the unit off prior to unplugging it from the mains
and/or other equipment. Unplug all leads and cables
prior to moving the unit.
- Make sure that the mains lead cannot be damaged when
people walk on it. Check the mains lead before every use
for damages and faults!
- The mains voltage is 220-240Vac/50Hz. Check if power
outlet match. If you travel, make sure that the mains
voltage of the country is suitable for this unit.
- Keep the original packing material so that you can
transport the unit in safe conditions.
This mark attracts the attention of the user to high voltages that are present inside the housing and that are of sufficient
magnitude to cause a shock hazard.
This mark attracts the attention of the user to important instructions that are contained in the manual and that he should
read and adhere to.
The unit has been certified CE. It is prohibited to make any changes to the unit. They would invalidate the CE certificate and
their guarantee!
NOTE: To make sure that the unit will function normally, it must be used in rooms with a temperature between 5°C/41°F and
Electric products must not be put into household waste. Please bring them to a recycling centre. Ask your local authorities or your
dealer about the way to proceed. The specifications are typical. The actual values can slightly change from one unit to the other.
Specifications can be changed without prior notice.
Do not attempt to make any repairs yourself. This would invalid your warranty. Do not make any changes to the unit. This would also invalid
your warranty. The warranty is not applicable in case of accidents or damages caused by inappropriate use or disrespect of the warnings
contained in this manual. Fenton cannot be held responsible for personal injuries caused by a disrespect of the safety recommendations
and warnings. This is also applicable to all damages in whatever form.

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