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If this the first time you’ve used a FENDER BXR 300 we
suggest that you try the following first time control setting
Be sure the speaker is connected with a speaker cable (not an
instrument cable) and the line cord is plugged into a suitable
power source. If you own a BXR 300C, the internal 15 inch
speaker will already be connected.
Depress the two “ENHANCE” buttons and turn the VOLUME
to zero (7 O’CLOCK) and the TREBLE, MID, MID
FREQUENCY, and BASS to “0” (12:00 O’CLOCK), and
DELTACOMP™ off. With your instrument connected, press the
power rocker switch to “ON” The RED PILOT lamp will
illuminate, and the fan in the rear panel will begin to rotate
Advance the volume while playing a few notes on the bass.
Experiment with the controls to become familiar with the
features that are available to you.
External signal processors may be used as previously
described. Devices used with the preamp out, power amp in
may be set up as follows:
Connect the “PREAMP OUT” to the input jack of the effects
device, and the “POWER AMP IN” to the output jack of the
effects device. Read the owner’s manual for the device as
required. if you get no sound when the device is in the “IN”
mode, you may have the wires to the external device crossed
(exchanged) or the device may not be turned on.
There are an almost infinite number of speaker setups
possible, what with the variety of speaker systems available.
We will attempt to describe four typical situations.
is a common connection favored by the bassist who
wants extremely high level. it should be noted that two 15”
speakers have 50% more cone area than one 18” speaker.
is an example of two FENDER BXR 410 ‘s
connected in parallel.
3 shows a BXR 115 and a BXR 410 connected in
parallel, which provides a well balanced wide range
illustrates one FENDER BXR SPECTRUM system
operating in full range mode. With it’s 18” woofer, the
SPECTRUM is ideal for five string bass.
When speakers are connected in parallel, as in the example
FIGURE 1, 2, and
3 above, the impedance of two equal
systems will halve. impedance of equal impedance systems
will have a new impedance equal to the individual identical
impedance divided by the number of systems. The minimum
for the FENDER BXR 300 is 4 ohms, there is no maximum (if
no speakers are connected, no harm will result).
For those users who will not be “rack mounting” their BXR
300R we have provided the option of removable rack ears.
with the rack ears removed, an optional strap handle kit may
be installed. If you should use a handle kit other than
FENDER, be sure that the mounting screws protrude no more
than 1/2 inch past the mounting plane (underside) of the
If you decide at a later time to re-install the rack ears, make
sure that you use the same screws that were originally

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