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5 Settings
Configuration of the unit is possible by sending the appropriate commands in SMS to the
module’s phone number. It is possible to send more commands (settings) in the same SMS, but
the length of the message must not exceed 140 characters! Each message must begin with the
password using the PWD=password# command and each command must end with # character,
else the module does not apply the modifications. The following table contains the configuring
and query commands:
Configuration commands
PWD= 1234#
Password for programming, default setting:1234
PWC=new password#
Changing the password. The password is a 4-digit number.
Resetting the settings and the password to default.
TEL=phone number#
Setting the primary phone number to be called when pressing the
button (in international format)
TEL2=phone number#
Secondary telephone number in case the first telephone number
is unavailable.
Maximal duration of the conversation. (60-600 seconds)
Default setting: 60 seconds
RTIME= duration#
Duration of the relay output activation.
(1-100 seconds)
Default setting: 3 seconds
VTIME= duration#
Duration of the voltage output (- OUT +) activation.
(1-100 seconds).
Default setting: 5 seconds
RTEL= phone number#
Setting the phone numbers for relay output activation.
(max. 4 user)
Query of the settings and the phone numbers set for relay output
Example: PWD=1234#TEL=00363012345678#TIME=120#RTEL=00363012345678#
5.1 Response SMS explanation
After sending the configuration SMS, the unit sends back two SMS messages containing the
modified setting and the phone numbers set for relay output activation. It sends the same
messages when querying the status with the STATUS?# command, as shown in the following
TEL: 00363012345678 the phone number called on button pressing: 00363012345678
CALL TIME: 120 conversation duration (limited to 120 seconds)
If the indication is BAD, find a more suitable place for the unit or
the GSM antenna, or a higher gain GSM antenna is necessary.
RTEL: 00363012345678 phone number(s) authorized to activate the relay output.

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