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4 Operation
4.1 Visitor mode
When the visitor pushes the call button, the device initiates a voice call to the configured phone
number. If the called party accepts the call, the communication establishes for the configured
duration. During the call, the connection cannot be interrupted nor by making a call to the device,
nor by pressing the button again. The call is ended automatically when the configured
communication time expires, or the called party can hang up the call at anytime on his/her
phone. The call is ended automatically if the called party does not answer or is not available.
A new call is initiated only if the button is pressed again.
A call to the second telephone number can be initiated for 60 seconds after the first call is
ended, by pressing the call button on the intercom again. The maximum duration of the call is
the same as in case of the first call.
4.2 Listen-in mode
The intercom unit can be called from any phone number. In this case the unit accepts the call
without ringing and the voice connection establishes. The call can be ended on the caller’s
phone or by pressing the call button on the unit.
If the call is initiated from a phone number which is configured in the unit as gate opener
number, the device will consider the call as a gate opening call. In this case voice
connection is not established, but the relay output is activated. To make a “listen-in” call
from such phone number, use the #31# code in front of the number, this hides the caller’s phone
number (e.g.: #31#0036301234567).
4.3 Relay output control (gate opening)
The unit can activate an independent, normally open relay output by free call, using caller
(phone number) identification. Up to 10 user phone numbers can be configured for this function.
To use this function, caller identification service should be activated at the GSM service provider
on the SIM card inserted in the unit, as well as the caller should send the ID (phone number)
when calling. When receiving a control call, the unit identifies the caller, rejects the call and
activates the relay output.
4.4 Voltage output control (electric lock activation)
The voltage output can be activated for the configured duration during the phone conversation.
This makes possible to control directly an electric lock. The activation of the output can be done
by the called party by pressing any number or character key on the phone, thereby sending a
DTMF code. The voltage output can also be activated locally, by closing the “INPUT” input on
the unit. In this case the device will activate the output still for the configured duration. In case of
a short circuit or overcurrent the output turns off, then it operates again after the termination of
the fault.
4.5 Forwarding incoming SMS messages
The unit forwards the SMS messages received on its SIM card (e.g. balance information in case
of a prepaid card) to the phone number set with the TEL command. After forwarding, the
received message is deleted from the SIM card. If there is no phone number configured, the unit
deletes the incoming messages without forwarding. A forwarded SMS message looks as follows:
SMS forward fromthe sender’s phone number:the forwarded message...

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