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Failure to follow these warnings and the instructions could result in serious injury or death.
Usage: Newborn up to 50lbs/22kg or 4 years, whichever comes first. Maximum height of 40 inches/101.6cm.
• Always use the stroller in the fully reclined position for babies who have not yet developed good head and neck control.
• Avoid serious injury from falling or sliding out. ALWAYS use the restraint system. Adjust to fit snugly.
• Always use the Newborn Nest/Reclined Carriage configuration for Newborns (see instructions). The restraint system
must be used at all times, as this configuration is not a replacement for the restraint system.
• NEVER leave the child unattended.
• Ensure that all the locking devices are engaged before use.
• To avoid injury, ensure that your child is kept away when unfolding and folding this product.
• Do not place more than 3lbs/1.4kg in the seat back pocket. Do not place more than 5lbs/2.2kg in the basket. Exceeding
the recommended load(s) will cause the stroller to become unstable.
• Do not do not let the child play with this product.
• Check that the car seat (additional components required) or seat unit is correctly engaged before use.
• This product is not suitable for running or skating.
• Do not use with more than one child in the seat at a time.
• Lock the parking brakes and check stability of the stroller when the stroller is stationary and before placing your child in or
removing your child from the stroller. Never let your child climb into or out of the stroller unassisted.
Do not use the stroller if any part is damaged, broken, torn or missing. Use only replacement parts and accessories supplied and
approved by the manufacturer. If the instruction manual is missing or you need replacements parts or assistance, see the contact
information included with this product.
• Do not use the basket as a child or pet carrier.
FALL HAZARD: Avoid serious injury from falls or tip over:
• Any load attached to the handle and/or on the back of the backrest and/or on the sides of the vehicle affects the stability of the
stroller. Do not hang diaper bags, including the Ergobaby diaper bag, on the stroller handlebar. When storing the Ergobaby
diaper bag, it must be placed in the basket.
• Do not carry or lift the stroller with child in it.
• Do not use stroller on stairs or escalators.
• Use only Ergobaby® recommended parcel bags or the stroller may become unstable.
• Children have STRANGLED in loose or partially buckled restraint system straps. Fully restrain the child at all times. Never
leave child in the stroller when the straps are loose or undone.
• Do not place any cord, strap, or similar item in or near this stroller as it could become wrapped around a child’s neck.
• Keep hands and fingers, especially of children, clear of moving parts during folding, unfolding and as you secure your child
in the stroller to prevent finger entrapment.
• NEVER leave the stroller unattended on a hill or incline even when the parking brake is locked.
• Use caution when pushing stroller on uneven terrain or hills.
During set-up, place stroller on a table or other stable, raised surface to prevent back strain
Always use the carry bag (sold separately) when carrying the stroller for long periods
For healthy development, it’s highly recommended to change baby’s position every now and then when strolling for extended periods of time; suggestions include
switching from lying to sitting and back again, or switching between a baby carrier and stroller
Avoid excessive exposure to sun or heat, which may cause fading or warping
Keep the handlebar and folding mechanisms free of abrasive grime and moisture. If wet, use a soft cloth to dry
Regularly check all rivets, screws, and safety devices for tightness and security
• Inspect wheels and replace if necessary
All plastic and metal parts may be wiped clean with a damp cloth
Never use bleach or detergents to clean this product
Do not submerge or use running water on any metal or plastic parts of the stroller
• Upholstered parts can be machine-washed in cold water on a gentle cycle with a mild detergent. Do not use stroller without them
Sunshade, other fabric areas, and weather shield can be wiped down with cold water and mild detergent
Disclaimer: Ergobaby™ uses high quality dyes to ensure a product that will retain its color. There is always a possibility that colors will fade with washing. Ergobaby cannot
be held responsible for faded colors due to laundering.
Warranty: Please see Ergobaby.com for information about our warranty. The ERGO Baby Carrier, Inc. warrants its products against defects in materials and workmanship.
We stand behind all our products and will either repair or replace, free of charge during the first 12 months after purchase (or the first 24 months in the case of its strollers,
including the Metro+ Compact City Stroller and 180 Reversible Stroller, but excluding accessories), any Ergobaby™ product that is defective. Proof of purchase is necessary
and product must be returned for warranty service. Should you have a warranty claim, please contact Ergobaby Customer Service at:
US: support@ergobaby.com, or 888-416-4888
EU: customersupport@ergobaby.eu or 0049 40 421 065 0
Warranty Coverage does not extend to damage caused by misuse or any use of the product that is not in accordance with the instructions stated in this manual. Warranty
coverage does not extend to any product that has been modified from its original construction in any way. Different or additional warranty rights may exist in the
purchaser’s jurisdiction. To the extent that different or additional warranty rights exist under the laws of the purchaser’s jurisdiction, those warranties shall apply and be in
addition to the warranty rights.
• ALWAYS lock parking brake when stroller is stopped.
• Keep Away from fire. Do not use this product near an open fire or exposed flame.
Metro+ and Metro+ Accessories:
• All Metro+ products are for use under adult supervision.
Metro+ Weather Shield is designed exclusively for use with the Metro+ Compact City Stroller. Do not use on any item other than Metro+
Compact City Stroller.
• The stroller sunshade must be correctly installed before installing the Weather Shield. This will ensure proper airflow and avoids the
risk of suffocation.
• When using, make sure that the Weather Shield does not come into contact with the child’s face.
• Constantly monitor child when using the Weather Shield. DO NOT USE this product in warm weather conditions. Remove the
Weather Shield if the child starts to feel uncomfortable or perspire.
• Use only accessories and replacement parts supplied and approved by Ergobaby. If the instruction manual is missing or you
need replacement parts or assistance, see the contact information included with this product.

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