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3 Installing the Photo Cartridge
2 Getting Started1 Unpacking
1. Press the On button to turn on the printer.
If the language setting appears, press the d button to highlight your preferred
language, then press the OK
button. This setting appears in some areas.
2. Shake the new photo cartridge four or five times.
3. Remove the photo cartridge from its protective bag.
4. Open the cover on the back of the printer. Slide the lever to the
right, then down and to the left.
5. Place the cartridge properly into the cartridge holder, then push
in the cartridge until it clicks into place.
6. Slide the lever to the right, then up and a little to the left. Close the
Do not load paper until ink charging is complete.
7. The printer automatically starts to charge ink. Charging takes
about three minutes.
Do not turn off the printer during the ink charging process.
8. Press the OK button to finish.
The photo cartridge packaged with your printer is partly used during initial
setup. In order to produce high quality printouts, the print head in your printer
will be fully charged with ink. This one-off process consumes a quantity of
ink and subsequent cartridge will last for their full rated life.
Do not touch this part.
Do not shake the photo cartridge
after removing it from the bag; it can
cause leakage.
Do not remove or tear the label on the
cartridge; this can cause leakage.
Cautions must be observed to
avoid damage to your
Notes contain important information
and useful tips on the operation of
your printer.
Cautions and Notes
Connect the power cord and AC adapter, then plug-
in the printer.
Color Ink Jet Printer
Remove the contents from the box. Remove all tape from the printer.
photo cartridge
The contents may vary in certain locations.
Photo Paper
AC adapter and power cord
Direct Print
4 Printing a Photo from a Memory Card
The example below demonstrates how to print an
index of photos and then a Borderless photo.
Printing an Index
Print an index of photos.
1. Open the paper support and output tray, then load PictureMate
Photo Paper into the paper feeder. Then slide the left edge guide
against the left edge of the paper.
2. Open the memory card slot cover.
3. Insert the memory card containing your photos into the
appropriate memory card slot.
For the available memory card, refer the Direct Print Guide.
4. The Print Wizard appears when a m e m o ry card is ins erted. I f it does
not appear, reinsert the memory card. Press the Print button to
print an index.
For information about printing without using the Print Wizard, see the Direct
Print Guide.
5. Look at the index and choose the photo you want to print. The
photo number will be entered in the following procedure.
Printing a Photo
Print a photo selected from the index.
1. If the screen below appears on the panel, press the OK button.
2. Press the u or d button to select the photo number, and then press
the OK button.
3. Press the u or d button to select the number of copies, then press
the OK button.
4. Press the Print button.
5. The confirmation screen below appears. Press the Print button.
6. Now you have printed a photo!
For more information about PictureMate
If you print without using a PC, see the Direct Print
Memory Stick/
Memory Stick Duo/
SD Card/
miniSD card
xD-Picture Card
photo number
For PC users:
If you use the printer by connecting to a PC, please install the software in
your PC.
Copyright© 2004 by Seiko Epson Corporation, Nagano, Japan.
Printed in XXXXXX XX.XX-XX
Инструкция на русском языке на обратной стороне.

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Epson Picturemate Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

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