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A TIP from the Designer: If you want to control the amplifier via a MIDI system, use jacks 20 and 21
and a Looper or MIDI Switcher (e.g. ENGL Z-11). Use two stereo ¼" cords to connect the ENGL
MIDI Switcher Z-11 (optional). You can then preset the four switching functions Clean/Lead, Gain
Lo/Hi, V.L.S. and Reverb via the Switcher, store your custom switching setups as different MIDI
programs and activate the presets via a MIDI board (e.g. ENGL Z-12).
22 F.X. Loop Send: Signal output for the Effects loop. Connect this output to a signal processors
input/return jack via a shielded cable with 1/4" plugs.
23 F.X. Loop Return: Signal input for the Effects loop. Connect this input to a signal processors
output/send jack via a shielded cable with 1/4" plugs.
24 Balance: FX mix control for the Effects loop: Rotate the knob to the "DRY" position for the pure
amp signal, i.e. no effect on the signal. Turn clockwise to blend in an effect connected to the loop
to the dry signal (parallel/passive). At the "EFFECT" position, only the wet signal, i.e. the signal
sent from the FX device is fed to the power amp (serial/passive).
NOTE: If no effects processor is connected to this loop, leave this control in the "DRY" position!
25, 26 Poweramp Output 8 ohms parallel: Parallel 8-ohm speaker outs, connected
internally in parallel. Connect an 8-ohm cabinet or, in the case of the Combo E330, its internal
speaker here. Alternatively, two 16-ohm cabinets can also be connected to these two outputs.
27 Poweramp Output 16 ohms serial: 16-ohm speaker out, connected internally in series
with Jack 28. Connect a 16-ohm cabinet here. Two 8-ohm speakers are connected to Jacks 27 and
28, for example a combination of the internal 8-ohm speaker of the Combo E330 and an external
8-ohm cabinet, e.g. the ENGL models E112 or E412.
CAUTION: If you intend to use a 16-ohm cabinet only, make absolutely certain you
connect it to Jack 27. Jack 28 is only enabled when a speaker is connected to jack 27.
28 Poweramp Output 16 ohms serial: 16 ohms serial. This is an auxiliary output connected
in series with Jack 27. This jack is designed for one application for onlywhen you are driving a
combination of two 8-ohm cabinets/speakers. This output may only be used when an 8-ohm
speaker is connected to Jack 27. (See the example for Item 27)
NOTE: Never operate the amplifier without a sufficient load, otherwise you may damage
or destroy the power amp! Ensure your cabinets specifications match the respective
outputs specs.
Possible speaker combinations:
1 x 8 ohms or 2 x 16 ohms (Jacks 25 and 26) or
1 x 16 ohms (Jack 27!) or 2 x 8 ohms (Jacks 27 and 28).
29 Line Out Ground: This switch assigns Pin 1 of the XLR socket to ground (position "Ground to
Pin 1"). You'll find this option is handy when you want to shield the circuit you have routed to a
mixing console or recording device. In order to come up with an unbalanced signal (e.g. for
feeding the signal to a computer for HD recording purposes), you'll need a cord equipped with an
XLR connector on one end and an RCA connector or ¼" plug on the other. Pin 2 is used to carry
the signal and Pin 1 as the ground (set the switch to the position "Ground to Pin 1"). With this
applicationan unbalanced circuityou may encounter a ground loop caused by the respective
grounds of the two devices, which will generate audible hum.
NOTE: Pin 1 of the balanced line may only be connected to ground on one end
(either at the amp or mixer / recording device), otherwise it may cause a ground loop,
which in turn generates undesirable hum!
30 Level: Signal level control for the frequency-corrected line output; it is used to match
the amps signal level at the Line output to the mixing console or recorders input.
31 Overload: This LED denotes the Line output is overloading; in this case,
reduce the signals level via the Level control.
32 Line Out Frequency Compensated
The frequency-corrected, balanced Line output jack (XLR; Pin 2 and 3 signal, Pin 1 = Ground or
not connected, depending on the setting of switch 29). This signal can be routed directly to a
mixing console or a recording unit. The line out is located post poweramp in the signal chain, so
ensure the poweramp is activated and a load is connected to one of the output jacks.A
A TIP from the Designer: The Line Outs output level is influenced by the following factors: By the
input level (Gain), the Volume control settings for the various channels, to some degree by voicing
control settings, and by the Master volume level. First dial in the desired sound combination at the
front panel. Then adjust levels at FX devices or signal processors (if connected). Now use the Level
control to adjust the Line level. The Line output is not overloaded until the Overload LED
illuminates brightly and continuously. You can push the level up to this point to match a mixing
console or recorders input level requirement. Use the respective devices input sensitivity or gain
control to fine-tune level adjustments.

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