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Switch o mobile telephone in hospitals or near medical
devices. There should be a minimum distance between
pacemakers and switched-on telephones.
Do not drive a vehicle while holding a mobile phone
in your hand. Follow the laws and trac rules of the
country you are in.
The mobile phone must be switched o while you are in
an airplane.
The telephone must be switched o near petrol stations
or other areas with explosive materials.
Never direct LED ashlight into the eyes of humans or
animals! (Protection class 3)
SAR-value: The maximum weight determined by the EU
is 2.0 W/kg. This model has a maximum of 0,504 W/kg.
Hotline: UK: 0 870 · 24 80 250 IR: 0 667 · 11 75 36
TELME Service Center Industriezeile 36, 4020 Linz, Austria, www.telme.at PartNo: 40753-ENG, ENGLISH, V20m_V2.0, GM_201109
This mobile telephone is robust and intended for mobile
use. It is to be protected from moisture (rain, bathroom) and
impacts. Do not expose to prolonged direct sunlight.
Use as described above can lead to damage of the product
and is associated with further hazards such as electrical shock
and re. On no account attempt to alter, rebuild or open the
housing of the product.
The power adapter is designed for use in household wall
outlets to public electricity grids with 230 volts / 50 Hz
(10/16A) voltage.
Dual band GSM 900/1800MHz
Size: 114 x 55 x 15,5
Weight: 80 g
Battery: Li-Ion 3.7V / 1000mAh
Standby: 200 h
Talk time: 240 min
TorchlightON/ OFF button
- Slide up to go to the SMS Menu
- Slide down to come into the Menu
Volume Control &
Control the handset volume
incoming call:
turn ringer o
Alarm clock button
-Up to activate alarm clock
-Down to de-activate alarm clock
1 Controls
Display (= Screen)
Arrow Keys
- On standby:
: & :
- In menu and phonebook: scrolling up/down
In standby: Enter phone book contact list
Pick-up/OK/Call list-Key
- Calling: Enter the number, then press
- Answering an incoming call: Press
- In menu: Conrm selection
- On standby: Enter call list (dialled, received, missed)
- Key
- In standby:
Long press: activate/ deactivate silent mode
LED-Blinking: Charging
Press twice: + (for international prex, e.g +44 for UK)
- For SMS: Special characters:
( , . ‘ ? ; : ! “ ’ @ _ ~ & + - ( ) < > { } [ ] % = / \ # * $ § ...)
- Key
On Standby:
- Press and hold to connect with voicemail
(= answering machine)
- For SMS: Space
- Key
- Standby: Press and hold to go to missed call list
- SMS: Switch between capital, small letters & numbers
- LED- Blinking: Missed Call
End/Back/Delete/Menu/ On/O-Key
- In menu: One step back
- Writing numbers or text: Delete
- During a call: Terminate
Dear Customer!
Congratulations to buying this emporia mobile telephone! You have made the right decision.
Content of delivery: Mobile telephone, charging adapter, battery, instructions
- Slide up to activate Keylock
- Slide down to activate

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Andere handleiding(en) van Emporia talk

Emporia talk Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 32 pagina's

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