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EM6616 e-Domotica Relais Switch Insert
EM6616 Relais Switch Insert
Image 1: Wiring the switch insert
Image 2: Mounting the sensor cover
Image 3: Product photo
Warning and points of attention
Risk of fatal injury from electrical current.
If you do not have enough electrical skills, do not continue and let a certified electrician do the job for you. Otherwise you might get injured
and/or electrocuted.
Observe the country specific regulations.
Risk of fatal injury from electrical current.
The output may carry an electrical current even when the load is switched off. Always disconnect the fuse in the incoming circuit from the supply
before working on connected loads.
Neutral wire required
To install this relais switch insert, you need to have a neutral wire on the mounting location.
Contact pins
Caution: The contact pins on the rear of the sensor module or sensor cover can become bent if they are tilted excessively. Therefore always
hold them as straight as possible when inserting.
Add the device to your e-Domotica e-Centre Base Station
Follow the steps below to include the devices to your e-Domotica system. You might need to enable ‘Normal/High power’ (below the ‘Include’
button). This option is available to include devices on a greater distance.
1. Make sure your computer is completely started and connected to the same network.
2. Open your computer’s web browser.
3. Enter “http://ecentre” in the address bar of your web browser and press the ‘Enter’ key on your keyboard.
4. The webpage of the e-Centre will be shown. Log in with your PIN code or the default PIN code 1234.
5. Go to the ‘e-Domotica Products’ page.
6. Click the ‘Include’ button. The e-Centre will start to search for new e-Domotica devices.
7. Press the sensor button on the switch three times within 1,5 seconds.
8. A message will appear: ‘Product found’.
9. Give the connected and found device a name, choose a location, select an image and click ‘Save’.
10. The switch has now been added to the e-Centre. The e-Centre will now be able to control the switch.
If the device is not found, press the ‘Exclude’ button in the e-Centre’s webpage and then click the button on your switch. After this procedure you
can add the new device correctly. Go back to step 6. to continue
Service and support
Go to the e-Domotcia website for more support, i.e. an advanced manual of this device, but also instruction video’s, practical
examples, warranty conditions, frequently asked questions and contact information for our helpdesk.
Scan the QR code or go to: http://www.e-domotica.com/en/customer-service

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Andere handleiding(en) van Eminent EM6616 e-Domotica

Eminent EM6616 e-Domotica Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

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