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4. Click the ‘UPS’ tab.
5. Click ‘Select’ near Details.
6. Choose ‘Generic‘ near ‘Select manufacturer’.
7. Select ‘Custom’ in the field below.
8. Select the COM port to which the UPS is connected in the ‘On port’ field.
9. Click ‘Next’.
10. Here you will need to set the polarity of the UPS-signals. Set ‘Power Fail/On
Battery’ and ‘Low Battery to ‘Negative’. Set ‘UPS Shutdown’ to ‘Positive’.
11. Click ‘Finish’.
12. Click ‘Apply’.
By clicking the ‘UPS’ tab you can now view whether the computer is running on mains
current or if it is receiving power from the UPS. You can also view the current status of
the UPS itself.
4.2 Settings
By clicking ‘Configure’ near ‘Details’ you can further configure the UPS. Check ‘Enable
all notifications’. The fields below will turn from gray to black. You can now set how
many seconds there will be between the detection of a power failure and the first
alarm signal and after how many seconds this signal should repeat itself.
Critical alarm
Under ´Critical Warning´ you can indicate if an there should be an alarm signal when
the battery of the UPS is almost drained. Check ‘Minutes on battery before critical
alarm’. There you can set the number of minutes the computer will be receiving power
from the UPS before an alarm signal should ring out. Consider the capacity of the
UPS when settings the number of minutes.
If you choose to automatically shutdown the computer after the critical alarm signal,
you can set a program to run before shutdown (for instance to make a backup of
certain data). If you wish to use this function, check ‘When the alarm occurs, run this
program’. Click ‘Configure’ to select the program and further configure this option.
Note! By clicking ‘Configure’ you will find many settings concerning the program you
want to run, how many times the program needs to be executed and under which
conditions the program should be executed.
Check the option ‘Finally, turn off the UPS’ if you want the UPS to shutdown after the
critical alarm signal.

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Eminent EM3984 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 10 pagina's

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