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Wireless Carbon Monoxide Detector
(Model EL-2764)
Electronics Line Ltd.'s Wireless Carbon Monoxide Detector (CO) is an
effective device for detecting the buildup of Carbon Monoxide. Upon
detecting the CO gas, the unit emits an alarm and notifies the control panel.
The main features of your CO gas detector include the following:
Integrated transmitter designed for use with EL's wireless alarm
Easy to install
Monitoring of carbon monoxide in a continuous manner.
Loud alarm (85 dB) when detecting a buildup of carbon monoxide
Test button
Continuous Self-testing function
What You Should Know About Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide, also known as "CO" by the chemical form, is
considered to be a highly dangerous poisonous gas, because it is
colorless, odorless, tasteless and very toxic. In general, biochemistry
phenomena have shown that the presence of CO gas inhibits the blood's
capacity to transport oxygen throughout the body, which can eventually
lead to brain damage.
In any closed space (home, office, recreational vehicle or boat) even a
small accumulation of CO gas can be quite dangerous.
Although many products of combustion can cause discomfort and adverse
health effects, it is CO gas which presents the greatest threat to life.
Carbon monoxide is produced by the incomplete combustion of fuels such
as natural gas, propane, heating oil, kerosene, coal, charcoal, gasoline, or
wood. The incomplete combustion of fuel can occur in any device which
depends on burning for energy or heat such as furnaces, boilers, room
heaters, hot water heaters, stoves, grills, and in any gasoline powered
vehicle or engine (e.g. generator set, lawnmower). Tobacco smoke also
adds CO to the air you breathe.
When properly installed and maintained, your natural gas furnace and hot
water heater do not pollute your air space with CO. Natural gas is known
as a "clean burning" fuel because under correct operating conditions, the
combustion products are water vapor and carbon dioxide (CO
), which is
not toxic. The products of combustion are exhausted from furnaces and
water heaters to the outside by means of a fuel duct or chimney.
Correct operation of any burning equipment requires two key conditions:
(a) An adequate supply of air for complete combustion.
(b) Proper venting of the products of combustion from the furnace
through the chimney, vent or duct to the outside.
Typical carbon monoxide gas problems are summarized here:
(a) Equipment problems, due to defects, poor maintenance,
damaged and cracked heat exchangers
(b) Collapsed or blocked chimneys or flues, dislodged, disconnected
or damaged vents
(c) Downdraft in chimneys or flues. This can be caused by very long
or circuitous flue runs, improper location of flue exhaust or wind
(d) Improper installation or operation of equipment, chimney or vents
(e) Air tightness of house envelop/inadequate combustion of air
(f) Inadequate exhaust of space heaters or appliances
(g) Exhaust ventilation/fireplace competing for air supply
Potential sources of carbon monoxide in your home or office include
clogged chimney, wood stove, wood or gas fireplace, automobile and
garage, gas water heater, gas appliance, gas or kerosene heater, gas or
oil furnace and cigarette smoke.
Installing the Detector
Selecting the installation location
Since CO gas moves freely in
the air, the suggested location
is in or as near as possible to
sleeping areas of the home,
30 cm (12 inch) below the
ceiling . For maximum
protection, a CO detector
should be located outside the
primary sleeping areas or on
each level of your home
(see Fig 1 for suggested
Fig. 1
This device is not suitable for installation in a hazardous location, as
defined by the US National Electrical Code.
Do not place the detector in the following areas:
(a) Where the temperature may drop below 4C (39F) or exceed 38C
(b) Near paint thinner fumes
(c) Within 1.5 meter (5 feet) of open flame appliances such as furnaces,
stoves and fireplaces
(d) In exhaust streams from gas engines, vents, flues or chimneys
(e) Do not place in proximity to an automobile exhaust pipe; this will
damage the detector
To install the detector:
1. Remove the mounting bracket from your unit according to Fig. 2.
1 2 3
Fig. 2
2. Hold the Mounting bracket against the wall as a template and mark the
locations for the 2 mounting holes.
3. Using a 5 mm (3/16-inch) drill bit, drill two holes at the marks and
insert wall plugs (Fig 3).
Fig. 3
4. Secure the mounting bracket to the wall.
5. Open the battery cover by pushing down on the battery snaps (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4
6. Insert the batteries (supplied) into the battery compartment. Pay
attention to the correct battery polarity (+) (-) and close the battery
7. Line up the side slot of the bracket and the detector. Push the detector onto
the mounting bracket until a click is heard (see arrow direction, Fig 3).
8. Pull the detector outwards to make sure that it is securely attached to
the mounting bracket.
Transmitter/Receiver Communication Setup
1. Set the panel to registration mode.
2. Insert the batteries into compartment. The detector enters
registration mode during which a transmission is sent every few
seconds. You can terminate registration mode by pressing the Test
Button. Test mode is automatically terminated after approximately
five minutes.
3. Verify that the detector has been identified by the receiver.
LED & BUZZER Indication
The LED light and the buzzer turn on and/or off to indicate various
situations. There are four different light and buzzer operations:
LED Status
Flashing On and Off
every 30 seconds
Normal condition
Sequential Alarm
Flashing On and Off
Sequential Alarm
Internal self test fail

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