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keys together to erase
stored faults and display shows “EEEE”.
To exit diagnostic mode, press and release
key. If stored faults cannot be erased
consult your local dealer.
Heater Run Time
Press and hold the
key until the display
shows the heater run time in hours.
Setting Programme Times
Press the
key and the P1 symbol will
begin to flash. Pressing the
key will
alternate the display between a preset
time display and “OFF”. With P1 flashing
in the time display mode the desired
programme time can be set using the
Once the desired time has been selected
and if no keys are depressed for 8 seconds
the display will revert to the clock mode.
During this 8 second period pressing the
key will select P2 which can be used to
select another programme time or be set to
“OFF” if not required.
A further pressing of the
key will select
the P3 symbol which can be set or turned
off in the same manner as above.
Setting Programme Days
Having set programme times P1, P2 or
P3 or all three, press the
key, all the ‘P’
symbols that have been selected will start
flashing and a box will appear around
one of the days. Press the
key to select
“ON” if you require the selected day to be
programmed, or “OFF” if you do not wish
it to be selected.
To move onto the following day press
key once again and select “ON” or
“OFF” as before. Repeat this procedure for
all seven days. To store these settings in
the Timer / Modulator memory, wait for 8
seconds and the display will revert to the
clock mode.
Setting Programme Duration
To set the desired heater duration, press
and hold the
key and whilst holding
repeatedly press the
key to select the
desired time in increments of 10 minutes,
30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 hour 30 minutes, 2
hours up until 8 hours.
NOTE: Continuous operation is not
selectable in this programme mode.
Once stored the preset duration time
cannot be adjusted during heater “ON”
Switching on the Heater
To activate your selected program settings,
press the
key to show the P1,P2,P3 (to
determine when the heater will switch on)
or symbol
to turn off all settings.
NOTE: If all presets and days have been
selected to “OFF” pressing the
key will
have no effect.
When the heater has been switched on
manually, it is possible to view which
of the programmed times have been
set and whether or not they have been
activated. Press the
key to view and if
any programmed time has been activated,
its corresponding
will flash. If no
programmed times have been activated
flashes. Press the
key to activate
or de-activate the programmed times
as required. Wait 8 seconds and the
display will revert to manual operation
To activate Ventilation Mode, repeatedly
key until only one segment shows
in the ramp. Press and hold the
shows and display changes to
1 hour countdown. To stop ventilation,
key to return to normal display
Please Note:
The ventilation countdown
time of 1 hour is not adjustable.

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