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Please read first
Before you start setting and using the unit, always read through these
operating instructions carefully.
These operating instructions contain important information that you
require to set and use the unit.
Please keep these operating instructions (CD) in a safe place for
subsequent reference.
Safety instructions
Always note and follow all information and notes, especially the
safety instructions in this document and in the heater’s technical
Range of uses
The Airtronic mini controller is used to select the operating mode,
to control the interior temperature and to switch On / Off the heater
installed in the vehicle.
Improper use and use outside the specified area of use cancels all
liability and warranty.
EU Declaration of Conformity
We herewith declare that the control unit placed on the market by us
conforms to the applicable provisions of the following EU Directive.
EU Directive 2014/30/EU
The full Declaration of Conformity can be viewed and downloaded
from the download centre under www.eberspaecher.com.
Airtronic Mini-Controller
Order No. 22 1000 32 07 00
Rotary knob, temperature preselection
left limit approx. 8 °C
low heat output
right limit approx. 34 °C
high heat output
Red LED – heating operating check
Switching off
(in individual mode only)
Blue LED – ventilation operating check
The mini controller can be used in individual operation or in
combination with the mini timer.
Mini controller in individual operation (standalone)
Starting the heater – Heating mode:
Press the
button to start the heater in heating mode (continuous
You can use the rotary knob
to set the required temperature.
The red LED lights up as a check.
Starting the heater – Ventilation mode:
Press the
button to start the heater in ventilation mode
(continuous operation).
The blue LED lights up as a check.
The rotary knob
has no function in ventilation mode.
Switching off the heater:
Use the
button to switch off the heater. Heating and / or ventilation
mode is ended and the corresponding LED goes out. Heating mode is
ended with an after-run.
Mini controller in combination woth mini timer
Starting the heater – Heating mode:
If the mini controller is installed in a vehicle together with the mini
timer, the mini timer performs the switching on / off function. It is now
also possible to program preselected times. For information about the
programming, please refer to the enclosed operating and installation
instructions for the mini timer.
button has no function in combination with the mini timer. The
heater can only be switched on / off via the mini timer.
A) The heater is switched off (mini timer inactive)
If the heater is switched off, it is possible to preselect heating or
ventilation modes via the mini controller. The heater itself can only be
switched on via the mini timer.
EN | Operating Instructions | Airtronic Mini-Controller
Eberspächer Climate Control Systems GmbH & Co. KG | Eberspächerstraße 24 | 73730 Esslingen
info@eberspaecher.com | www.eberspaecher.com

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Andere handleiding(en) van Eberspacher Airtronic Mini-Controller

Eberspacher Airtronic Mini-Controller Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Eberspacher Airtronic Mini-Controller Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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