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Contents Page
Area of use of the
AIRTRONIC ......................
Statutory regulations, safety instructions
concerning the installation, important
instructions concerning the installation ......... 3
Scope of supply .............................................. 4, 5
Control elements, optional .............................. 4
Technical data ................................................. 6
Principal dimensions ....................................... 7
Installation, type plate,
installation of the
in a vehicle
used to transport dangerous substances ...... 8
Mounting point ................................................ 9
Permissible mounting positions ...................... 10
Wire harness connection, right or left ............ 10
Area of use of the AIRTRONIC
Taking into consideration their heating capacity, the
stationary and auxiliary heaters
intended for installation and use in all types of motor
vehicles and their trailers, in construction machines,
machines used in agriculture, in boats, ships and
yachts for the purpose of preheating, clearing of
window panes, heating and keeping warm of drivers
or working cabs, cargo compartments, ships cabins,
passenger or crew transport spaces, engine motors
and aggregates.
is suitable for and permitted to be
installed in vehicle spaces used by passengers.
However, it is not permitted to be installed in the
drivers cab or passenger compartment of coaches
with more than 9 seats.
The statutory regulations, safety instructions and
important instructions relevant to the installation
and printed below in these mounting instructions,
and which govern the equipment selection, area of
use, installation and operation of the
must be taken into consideration.
Based on its functional purpose, the
not permitted to be used for other areas of use apart
from those listed, in particular not for a long-term
continuous operation, e.g. to preheat and heat living
spaces, garages, working huts, week-end homes,
hunting lodges, houseboats or similar as well as not
to heat up or to dry objects or living beings (man or
beast) by directly blowing hot air onto them and / or
blowing hot air into appropriate receptacles.
Fastening ........................................................ 11
Combustion air duct / exhaust gas duct ........ 12, 13
Heating air duct .............................................. 13
Fuel supply ...................................................... 14 17
Electrical system ............................................ 17
Sectional drawing ............................................ 18
heating operation at altitudes ......................... 19
Control and safety devices ............................ 20
Circuit diagram parts list ................................ 21
Circuit diagrams at the end of these instructions
Visit www.butlertechnik.com for more technical information and downloads.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Eberspacher AIRTRONIC D4

Eberspacher AIRTRONIC D4 Gebruiksaanwijzing en installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 37 pagina's

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