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EN Instructions
Customer Service / Importer:
DS Produkte GmbH, Am Heisterbusch 1, 19258 Gallin, Germany •
+49 38851 314650 *)
*) Calls to German landlines are subject to charges. The cost varies depending on the service provider.
All rights reserved.
4. Turn the key in the ignition lock in
the vehicle. The display (9) switches
on when the compressor is supplied
with power.
5. The LED (1) can be switched on and
off by pressing the On/Off button (8).
6. Remove the protective cap from the
valve of the object which is to be in-
ated. Plug the adapter (13, 14) into
the valve. If no adapter (13, 14) is
being used, ip up the lever of the
valve connector (2), plug the valve
connector (2) onto the valve and
then ip the lever down again.
7. Press in the on-switch lock (2) on
8. Use the adjusting buttons (10) to set
the pressure unit and the required
pressure. The value is shown on the
display (9).
9. When the display stops ashing, press the on switch (4). The
compressor starts to work. If necessary, press in the on-switch
lock (2) on the
side. You can then let go of the on switch (4)
and the device will continue to operate. The compressor
switches off automatically once the set air pressure is reached.
NOTE: Slightly more air than is required is supplied because,
when the valve connector (2) / adapter (13, 14) is detached, a
small amount of air may escape.
10. Detach the adapter (13, 14) or valve connector (2) from the
valve ( ip up the lever). Attach the protective cap to the valve.
11. Turn back the key in the ignition lock, disconnect the mains
cable (12) from the cigarette lighter and compressor.
Technical Data
Article number: 03470
Model number: QOE-WYT01-12V
Voltage supply: 12 V DC, 8 A
Power: 96 W
Protection class: III
Air ow: 25 l/min
Operating duration: max. 5 min, pause approx. 15 min
Mains cable length: 3.5 m
The packaging material is recyclable. Dispose of the
packaging in an environmentally friendly manner and take
it to a recycling centre.
It should not be disposed of alongside general house-
hold waste. Dispose of the device in an environmentally
friendly manner at a recycling centre for used electrical
and electronic devices. For more information, contact your
local authorities.
Z 03470 M DS V1 0517
Article number 03470

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Zoeken resetten

  • De persluchtslang van mijn easymax is gebroken.
    nr ean 4016471 0347009. prod.nr. 172018. art.nr. 03470.
    Ik zou graag een nieuwe persluchtslang ontvangen. Gesteld op 3-8-2021 om 14:59

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